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IUL or Rollover Leads - Do they exist?


New Member
Hey guys, I know there's probably loads of questions about leads on this forum but I am relatively new and all of the discussions I find are years old so I just wanted to start a new discussion.

I am fine networking and working off of referrals. It has been very nice 2nd stream of income for me. However, it makes it a little difficult to recruit because not everyone is interested in that sort of role. I understand completely. I wanted to try my hand at recruiting, which I never intended to do (originally just wanted a few extra grand a month). But because I can make around $12k passively per month if I can recruit 5 agents who can close, 2 $185/month IUL's per month, I've decided I should try to do some research on more certain ways to develop business because I feel too guilty recruiting agents into a network marketing model but I would NOT feel guilty if I was able to refer them to a lead system capable of helping them close 2 IUL's monthly because that is a very scalable business in conjunction with networking.

Has anybody had any experience with any lead vendors or ad strategies specifically seeking IUL sales or 401k rollovers? Any recent experience?

I also have been using free sources like craigslist, linkedin, and cold calling to create appointments and that sustains my personal production, but I'm curious to experiment with paid services.

If you have had experience, can you provide info like "x amount of dollars got me x amount leads and I closes x amount of sales and made x amount in commission.

Thanks guys
You get $144k per year if $266k per year in premium is written? What, are you taking 50% or more of the commission/override?

Sorry, but what do buying rollover or 401k rollover leads have to do with IUL sales. Can't rollover retirement funds into IUL
You get $144k per year if $266k per year in premium is written? What, are you taking 50% or more of the commission/override?

Sorry, but what do buying rollover or 401k rollover leads have to do with IUL sales. Can't rollover retirement funds into IUL

My mistake, I revisited our income calculator and realized I would need five agents closing five IUL’s per month, not two. However, I would still like to do some research to see if anybody has had any success with lead generation services. I am well aware you cannot rollover retirement funds into an IUL, but annuities are other products that I sell and provide bigger commissions so if there is a lead vendor for those, I would be interested in that as well. I am more than capable of finding deals each month on my own through networking and I plan to teach this to anybody that I may recruit. However, recruits simply do not feel comfortable coming on board under the assumption that learning my warm market networking habits will be their only source of client acquisition.
but annuities are other products that I sell and provide bigger commissions so if there is a lead vendor for those, I would be interested in that as well.

You'd have to wonder how the leads were generated. Who self-disclosed their retirement balance for some unknown licensed stranger to contact them about their retirement?

Unless you're getting leads from the HR department of a company, I wouldn't trust it.

Other ways would be to place targeted ads on Facebook and looking for people with grey hair on LinkedIn and reaching out to them.

This is an area where expertise in the rules of retirement are critical in not making a mistake that can cause a great deal of unnecessary taxation and penalties.

The only other avenue I'd consider would be a seminar mailing house that would help you to do mass marketing and attract people who may have money to be in motion.
Follow Brett Kitchens system and thats exactly what they do :err:
Yikes. Under age 60 too?

Even if older than 60, the ideal target market for most IUL pricing for max accumulation cases is 30-50 to allow enough time for growth before needing to pull out for income. Sure, if the client already has adequate funds to live on in retirement, taking annual distributions from qualified funds can be a good strategy for tax positioning at death, leverage for the funds, protection, liquidity & even chronic illness "LTC" protection. but not sure how you do much for supplemental retirement income in that window of time unless they are working with under 59 & letting them pay taxes & penalties.