Ambetter issue, any thoughts?


5000 Post Club
I am having an issue, Should I call Ambetter myself?
does this sound weird?

Just does not feel right to me

Back in Aug I finally got my release from my last FMO and I began to transfer to new FMO
Supposedly there was some document or something that was missing that they did not get back till early sept
I don't remember but ok Ill go with it been super busy

But then Ambetter termed my previous contract and website passwords but said I cannot write buis till this transfer is complete

After a while I started to think this is taking a long time and inquired with FMO and I am told it takes up to 30 days
Then at 30 days I was told I delayed in some document till early sept, and 30 days from that date

Then after that date I am told it is up to 30 BUISNESS days, now I am frustrated, but ok

Then after that time, I am told they changed the language to be AT LEAST 30 buis days and there is nothing I can do but wit

I am losing buis and I am concerned about renewals, I would never began this process if I thought I would take even 30 reg days

Other carriers did not require me to stop wiring buis
AND the first time I contracted only took a week

But I am told don't worry it will process , I am compliantly distracted from AEP, After losing well care renewals I have another 1000 in Ambetter that needs to be renewed

Pluss new buis
You have 1000 Ambetter renews and no contract, their not giving you a contract, this is Wellcare's little brother
You have 1000 Ambetter renews and no contract, their not giving you a contract, this is Wellcare's little brother

No $1000 in renewals, My bad sorry

But I think it is getting handled now
Said held it up because there was an extra state on app which was state based and they were not saying this but rather needs more time

but now waiting on background check, and said I am free to write buis now IF I feel confident about background check