Applying for Medicare online w/Delayed Part B


I assist my clients with enrolling in Medicare using the online enrollment method where possible. I have done dozens of these cases, but I have a scenario I've never dealt with before. I have a client who worked past 65 and now wants to leave employer group health for Medicare. They have no Part A, no Part B. Up until now, I've done T65 cases where they are enrolling in both Part A/B at the same time. And I've done Part B only enrollments where they have Part A already, but are applying for delayed Part B using the form CMS 564 to show creditable coverage. If I apply them for both Part A/B now, is there a way to indicate delayed Part B and upload the CMS 564 form in the online process? Thanks for any pointers.
If it goes south E&O won't cover you.
Obviously not something we see every day.
Hero or Zero. Not worth the risk in my book Sometimes defering or refering to SS is the most competent thing to do.
I assist my clients with enrolling in Medicare using the online enrollment method where possible. I have done dozens of these cases, but I have a scenario I've never dealt with before. I have a client who worked past 65 and now wants to leave employer group health for Medicare. They have no Part A, no Part B. Up until now, I've done T65 cases where they are enrolling in both Part A/B at the same time. And I've done Part B only enrollments where they have Part A already, but are applying for delayed Part B using the form CMS 564 to show creditable coverage. If I apply them for both Part A/B now, is there a way to indicate delayed Part B and upload the CMS 564 form in the online process? Thanks for any pointers.
Send them to social security
OK, you convinced me. I'll leave this type of Medicare enrollment to the Social Security office. Thanks for your input.
don't listen to the knuckle heads.RTFM (read the fooking manual) because the instructions are clearly on these cms forms.paper application being dropped off or faxed to local office are going to be more important now that SS are requiring appointments for simple medicare sign ups.use this form for part A and B if in the initial enrollment period

  • CMS-10797: Use this form if you missed your chance to sign up when you turned 65, or if you have a special situation

  • CMS-40B: Use this form if you already have Part A and want to add Part B

  • CMS-18-F-5: Use this form if you don't have Part A and want to enroll

  • CMS-4040: Use this form if you are not entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits

  • CMS-43: Use this form if you have ESRD

  • CMS-L564: Use this form if you are applying for the SEP for the Working Aged and Working Disabled
don't listen to the knuckle heads.RTFM (read the fooking manual) because the instructions are clearly on these cms forms.paper application being dropped off or faxed to local office are going to be more important now that SS are requiring appointments for simple medicare sign ups.use this form for part A and B if in the initial enrollment period

  • CMS-10797: Use this form if you missed your chance to sign up when you turned 65, or if you have a special situation

  • CMS-40B: Use this form if you already have Part A and want to add Part B

  • CMS-18-F-5: Use this form if you don't have Part A and want to enroll

  • CMS-4040: Use this form if you are not entitled to Social Security or Railroad Retirement Board benefits

  • CMS-43: Use this form if you have ESRD

  • CMS-L564: Use this form if you are applying for the SEP for the Working Aged and Working Disabled
I wasn't familiar with the 18F5. That works. I'll fax 'em in.
You were OK until you got to this.

They can apply for Part A via SSA online portal. I have had clients do this and never a problem. The oldest one was 78.

You can give them the forms (L564 & CMS-40B) along with the instructions, but you do NOT want to file the forms for them.
When I read the initial post in the thread, my first question was if it would work for the client to do the online app for Part A and then do the second paper app for Part B. I didn't bring it up because I didn't know how long that would take and what the urgency level was for having both Parts in place.

Also, no one has mentioned the automatic backdated effective date of Part A and whether that will be a concern for op.
You were OK until you got to this.

They can apply for Part A via SSA online portal. I have had clients do this and never a problem. The oldest one was 78.

You can give them the forms (L564 & CMS-40B) along with the instructions, but you do NOT want to file the forms for them.
You and a couple others seem to indicate that I'm at risk somehow by faxing in forms to Social Security on behalf of a client. Please explain. What is the risk?