Best Life Companies to Work For

Live in the state of Washington, L&D licensed, some experience,have researched Guardian Life, Mutual of Omaha and New York Life. Any suggestions as to the which companies offer the best products, support, etc.?
Live in the state of Washington, L&D licensed, some experience,have researched Guardian Life, Mutual of Omaha and New York Life. Any suggestions as to the which companies offer the best products, support, etc.?

It's not about the products.

The question should be "who will give me the most marketing support?"

The greatest products in the world are worthless without a constant stream of prospects. You'll do better with a lot of prospects and a marginal product than you will with great products and a marginal amount of prospects.

Speaking of Mutual of Omaha, is Marlin Perkins still kickin'?
The longer you're in this business the more you'll learn alot of carriers have great products. However, no one size fits all. Companies have their strong products and weak ones. What is nice for independent agents is the ability to cherry pick what we can offer.. Granted some of the captured companies have great products, but you also end up having to push the house "wine" so to speak cause your long on it or a managers "overrides" are better for product A over B...

Support and attitude are funny things as well. You can be going along fine with a company... relationships and attitudes are great. Then the guy from accounting gets named CEO and suddenly the atomsphere changes.. instead of seeing the sales force as the heart and soul of the company, the sales force becomes a burden on the bottomline..Your Clients become their clients in mindset and you basically become an employee without benefits or SS..

Ask anybody who's worked for a couple of decades for a bigger name how things are.. very few will say for the better... What used to be an agent centered company will often see the agent as another form of marketing... Sometimes even in competition with it's own agents..

I guess your question is hard to answer as it can only apply to today. Tomorrow when a new ceo gets appointed and decides it's in the best interest of the "company" to cut agent commission or create artifical production standards...who knows?

I used to think defferred commissions were a great idea with the big guys I started with, until things changed and they kept all mine because it was cheaper than paying them....

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