- 3,345
What is the best way to sell against (replace) whole life policies that are already in place and in exchange sell a client a new term policy? I don't want this post to turn into a 'replacement' evaluation or a term verses whole life discussion, rather what is the best way to persuade a client to consider a new term policy over an exisiting whole life policy they already have in place?? The only reason I ask is that I often feel clients are underinsured with whole life policies offering them very marginal death benefits for a pretty huge pricetag...Is it better to just try to sell them a new term and keep the whole life in place? Often however, the first agent who sells them whole life has their life insurance budget maxed out that it almost makes an additional term sale impossible without completely replacing the whole life. I very rarely see the advantage of whole life in the markets that I sell in but often clients feel they are 'locked in' with it and have enough insurance...Not really when you consider a husband and wife with 3 kids and all they have is a $50,000 WL on each of them their home and auto guy sold them....But unfortunately this is something I see all the time. How can we make clients consider term regardless of the whole life they already have in place?