Brand new agent in CA

Prime Jacko

New Member
I have my life insurance license and waiting on my property and casualty license which should be received in the next week or so.
Looking to get appointed on the property and casualty side. On the Life side I've signed up with PFA but may decide to go on my own also. Any tips would be appreciated.

Thank you and God bless.
I have my life insurance license and waiting on my property and casualty license which should be received in the next week or so.
Looking to get appointed on the property and casualty side. On the Life side I've signed up with PFA but may decide to go on my own also. Any tips would be appreciated.

Thank you and God bless.

If you believe you may move life contracts think hard about tying up a lot of companies to start. Also maybe start with some that is known for easily releasing if you don't sync.
Congratulations and welcome to the forum. I do agree with tikkibarrister that this may ber a very difficult time for P&C in your area. You may need to branch out and do more, such as disability, health, or maybe group. No matter what you choose I wish you luck.
Congratulations and welcome to the forum. I do agree with tikkibarrister that this may ber a very difficult time for P&C in your area. You may need to branch out and do more, such as disability, health, or maybe group. No matter what you choose I wish you luck.

yes, health is definitely in the works.
scheduled a call with Smart Choice
Skip it and get set up with the FAIR plan, Aegis, and two or three nonadmitted insurance groups - thats all you will need for properties for now.
You picked the best possible time to jump into P&C in California

I am sure it will be better next year.

waiting on my property and casualty license
And you are going to start an agency? With no PC experience?
Skip it and get set up with the FAIR plan, Aegis, and two or three nonadmitted insurance groups - thats all you will need for properties for now.

I am sure it will be better next year.

And you are going to start an agency? With no PC experience?

Again, I'm brand new so any input or help is appreciated. I have no idea right now which path is doable or ideal. So appreciate any feedback.

God bless.
I would NOT start a new agency in California right now selling P&C. Period end of statement. Ask other PC agents on the forum.

I would either go down the Life/Health/Etc path OR go work for an established PC agency first. [Regardless of the market environment its always best to go work at another agency first and see how they do it.]

There is SO much chaos in the California PC - who knows what will be going on in six months.

The danger here is that it takes at LEAST five years to get a P&C agency up and running, you might spend two years setting it up, only to find that the CA DOI has nationalized the entire process and starts paying 1% commissions on all FAIR plans. Then the vast majority of admitted insurers leave the state. Now this is not likely to happen, but some slightly different version easily could.

I wish you the best of luck.