Client has C-Plus Plan & a Medicare Advantage Plan


Super Genius
My client has a C-Plus Medicare Select B retirement plan that she pays $60/month for and she has a Humana MAPD plan. How is this possible?
If a person has a Supplement and later enrolls in a MAPD, they must notify the insurance carrier to cancel their coverage.
On the back of her card, it says C Plus is a Medicare Select Plan B Supplement. I spoke with the benefits lady who handles the retiree plan and she assured me that this was not a Medigap plan. I've never dealt with retiree Medicare supplements, so I took her word, especially since the client is already enrolled in a MAPD plan. So, I'm confused. Is there a difference between a retirement Medigap plan and a regular Medigap plan? @somarco your thoughts?
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Is there a difference between a retirement Medigap plan and a regular Medigap plan? @somarco your thoughts?

Can be quite a bit . . . especially if the retiree plan is a GROUP Medigap plan.

Delta retirees can access the ITDR (Insurance Trust for Delta Retirees), a fully insured plan administered by one of the Blues. Retirees have a choice of an MA plan or Medigap.

The Medigap is similar to individual Medigap plans but it comes in two flavors. A "standard" plan with a $300 CY deductible followed by 10% coinsurance for Part B up to $1500 OOP.

Not a bad plan but pricey.

Their Enhanced plan is even pricier and is $0 everything (except the premium)

I have seen a few other group Medigap plans but am more familiar with this since I picked up a new client and his wife by showing him a traditional G plan with a lower OOP and saving him over $150 per month.

I believe TN teachers also have a group Medigap plan.

EDIT - here it is . . .

OOPS, that is the 2018 plan but you get the idea and can probably find the 2024 / 2025 benefits
Some people keep their old retiree or supplemental plans for extra coverage, even though they're also enrolled in an Advantage plan.