Super Genius
- 219
Hi everyone,
How do you effectively cross-sell and package other products with your Medicare sales? I am not the greatest at this but I also don't push on the prospect very hard, just a simple yes or no.
HIP plans are an easy sell for me and I usually get 1/3 of my clients right away on those. Heart attack & stroke, cancer, and life are another story. I have an extremely hard time packaging those in there.
Do you all do a needs analysis sheet and put it together like you're selling a car? I heard Bankers Life is big on cross-selling Medicare with LTC, Life, and HIP/Ancillary.
How do you effectively cross-sell and package other products with your Medicare sales? I am not the greatest at this but I also don't push on the prospect very hard, just a simple yes or no.
HIP plans are an easy sell for me and I usually get 1/3 of my clients right away on those. Heart attack & stroke, cancer, and life are another story. I have an extremely hard time packaging those in there.
Do you all do a needs analysis sheet and put it together like you're selling a car? I heard Bankers Life is big on cross-selling Medicare with LTC, Life, and HIP/Ancillary.