On the one hand, I shed no tears for Thompson. The man made millions off the suffering of others. More than $10 millionopens in a new tab or window last year, in fact. Likewise, every penny of the $22 billion in profitopens in a new tab or window made by parent company UnitedHealth Group in 2023 was at the expense of the suffering of others.
I have no small amount of schadenfreudeopens in a new tab or window for what has happened to him. Sometimes, I even find myself wanting to crack jokes at his expense. Is Hell going to require a 2-night qualifying stay prior to admission? Does he have a skilled demonic need that would merit admission to Hell? Others have had similar reactions, posting online comments like, "Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network," and "Prior authorization is needed for thoughts and prayers."
As physicians, I understand how easy it is to sit back and take some pleasure in the death of a man whose leadership of an insurance company led to the untold suffering of hundreds of thousands of our patients. Patients we care for every day.
This is sickly disturbing on so many levels
I have no small amount of schadenfreudeopens in a new tab or window for what has happened to him. Sometimes, I even find myself wanting to crack jokes at his expense. Is Hell going to require a 2-night qualifying stay prior to admission? Does he have a skilled demonic need that would merit admission to Hell? Others have had similar reactions, posting online comments like, "Unfortunately my condolences are out-of-network," and "Prior authorization is needed for thoughts and prayers."
As physicians, I understand how easy it is to sit back and take some pleasure in the death of a man whose leadership of an insurance company led to the untold suffering of hundreds of thousands of our patients. Patients we care for every day.

Opinion | I Am Torn: Grappling With the Killing of UnitedHealthcare's CEO
I detest everything Thompson stood for, yet I am troubled by thoughts of hate
This is sickly disturbing on so many levels