Germany to Iowa


1000 Post Club
Decatur, Ga.
Here is the situation:

He is 81.
She is 84.

He is a German citizen.
She is a United States citizen.

Neither of them have paid into the Social Security system; therefore, in order for her to get onto Medicare, she would have to pay a total of $752 per month, here on out.

They live in Iowa.

They have no income, but there is some savings and other investments abroad they earn money from. That is what is preventing them from getting a subsidy on market with the ACA. They received information from several carriers in their area that there new premium will be over $1400.

Trying to save them some money, I am able to put him on a CIGNA global plan, as a German citizen to receive benefits here in the United States. That comes to $664.

I have one of two options as to what to do with her. Actually three:

  • have her apply to Medicaid, and see what comes of that
  • put her on the Global Plan with him, saving them $220 bucks a month
  • have her apply as a single person in the household, and see what subsidy, if any she can get

Any other ideas?

They likely are on prescribed meds or have medical history correct?


Cigna Global of Glasgow does only cover people in their home country of citizenship for a maximum of 3 months year...per comments from an account exex of CG. It is really an expatriate plan. Not suggested for her...
I have been in conversation with Emily Threet, of Cigna Global. She stated several times that HE will be covered, no problem. No matter where he resides.

It's her I am trying to figure out what to do.
Not being from iowa, or lic. there but if there is an off exchange carrier that has paper application she can probably apply. She might give reason "not medicare eligible" hand written someplace on the 1st page of the application because the carrier will assume she is medicare eligible and reject the application. This may be worth a try. There are many with her situation. If she lived in Az some carriers might allow her to have age 64 premium rates.
Since she is us citizen and 84 years old, then she is eligible for Medicare and she has to pay for it herself due to lack of social security points. No subsidy will be available. She could
look into medicaid and ask medicaid to pay for the Medicare premium.