HealthSherpa Medicare enrollment

I have a friend who manages all the telesales at HealthSherpa. A couple months he told me about this. He said it is free.

I havent seen the email. I am not setup with HealthSherpa. But what he told me about, was planning to announce in august, so I assume we are talking about the same thing
What when did this come up?

When does it begin

I just did a little asking. And it's in beta right now. Probably expect it in a few weeks, with more carriers.

It sounds like HealthSherpa is a great outfit to work for. Well, at least on the sales side.
Got the email as well. I wonder if its going to be accurate for prescription drugs and network search. If so, may have to cancel my search and save subscription.
Did anyone get their email today? I’m going to attend their webinar next week. I wonder if it’s free like for ACA or a monthly cost.

I would love to move to a platform that isn’t under an FMO. I’m assuming they’ll have to charge a fee.
Anyone know?
Maybe a good thing for pdp’s if it's shows non commissionable plans non appointed plans and commissionable appointed plans all in one place and let's you save the profile