Hello New Member Looking To Give Away Business


New Member
Hello to all,

I'm a new member. I market something totally different but at the same time it generates me leads of customers looking for a better rate on their auto insurance or customers just looking to switch companies.

I sell a product called the collision deductible reserve plan (CDRP) and it allows customers to save anywhere from 10% to 40% on their auto insurance.

However i'm looking to get more out of my leads... So that's were i'm looking to network with other agents that will be interested in taking my leads in exchange for a referral fee.
Well...My association sells a plan called the DDTW (Don't Drive This Weekend), and we have saved EVERY Association member hundreds of dollars by using this technique.

And best of all...it's free! I assume the CPAP (I mean CDRP) is not free.
Well...My association sells a plan called the DDTW (Don't Drive This Weekend), and we have saved EVERY Association member hundreds of dollars by using this technique.

The amount of value added by the Association is just incredible! It just keeps getting better and better.

When do you start sending all the members that monthly five spot? I mean, with the holidays comin', and this economy being the way it is and whatnot...I'm sure members could use the scratch...
That "five spot" has been on my mind. I'm wondering, though, if I bit off more than I can chew. 62,000 x $5 is more than $300,000 per month I need to come up with.

I have some of that covered, but I'm going to have to hold off for now.
Hello to all,

I sell a product called the collision deductible reserve plan (CDRP) and it allows customers to save anywhere from 10% to 40% on their auto insurance.

However i'm looking to get more out of my leads... So that's were i'm looking to network with other agents that will be interested in taking my leads in exchange for a referral fee.

Are you waiting on someone to ask you how much your referral fee is before you start spamming us?

1st post spamming will not get you very far on this forum or any forum for that matter.