Humana and Cigna Med Sups


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I just found out in a facebook group that Cigna and Humana if you apply directly with them for a Med Sup the price is cheaper? I thought that was not allowed. By telling the client you have the same rates whether they go direct or with you the rate is the same, you are basically lying.
I just found out in a facebook group that Cigna and Humana if you apply directly with them for a Med Sup the price is cheaper? I thought that was not allowed. By telling the client you have the same rates whether they go direct or with you the rate is the same, you are basically lying.

I just tried to do a quote on Cigna's website and they only gave an estimate, which was higher than the actual amount. To get a real quote, I have to give them my email. Cigna is easy to sell against because they are selling their Medicare business.

Next, I tried to get a quote on, they gave me a number to call. I've never had to tell anyone that they pay the same rate using me, so I'm not lying.
I give them a quote and offer my services.
I just found out in a facebook group that Cigna and Humana if you apply directly with them for a Med Sup the price is cheaper? I thought that was not allowed. By telling the client you have the same rates whether they go direct or with you the rate is the same, you are basically lying.
i think it varies by state. I'm fairly certain in Florida its the same rate. But if you are having people concerned about the price you are offering vs buying direct its rapport issue, not a price thing. Spend more time during the warm up, and get to know the customer more
Mutual of Omaha doing it now as well.
Aetna was doing it as well. Not sure if they still are. We were sending them all the dialysis patients waiting for transplants Tried to break them from sucking eggs in the hen house.
Seems like many of the bigs are testing the waters with a direct to consumer block of business with lower rates. They can't file 2 separate rates for the same block( direct to consumer, agent submited).
This is nothing new....

Wouldn't it be a shame if agents started sending all the GI business to these carriers? Those clients won't be able to change, so we better get them that extra 5% discount with the shady carriers....

I will have to reassess how I have my conversations with unhealthy GI situations.

These carriers were built upon the back of agents. The last 100 years of insurance business built by agents, now these carriers want to push us out? h
In OK all the GI business has been pushed to 2 carriers that pay a commision even though OID has specifically called it an Open Enrollment event. OID won't stand behind the agents. The Big 4 have thumbed their noses at the Open Enrollment designation which would have allowed agents to receive full compensation. OID basically said we won't make ruling on carriers paying as Open Enrollment. It's a civil matter take them to court.
Deputy Insurance Commisioner said he thought some other companies other than BCBS of OK and Ace paid commissions . Was going to sent a list but crickets. Blue Cross had close to a 20% rate increase gotta wonder if it wasn't due to all the crap from closed pools they got.
I've been telling clients I'll help you one time only if I'm not being compensated. Not going to be doing this switching every year to save $10 month with no commision.
Had a lady at church ask me about Cigna. Said she went online and got quotes for her and her husband. My quote was identical.
They can't file 2 separate rates for the same block( direct to consumer, agent submited).

Seems to me carriers are finding ways to segregate lines of business and stay within the guidelines.

PDP, paying commission on some plans, not on others.
MAPD, paying commission on some plans, not on others
MEDIGAP, maybe, I just have not seen that in Georgia.

Carriers can segregate plans by the ID number filed with CMS. The "internal" plans may have similar benefits (but different) compared to a public plan . . .

I believe BX did that in Georgia a few years ago with MAPD but I could be wrong. Seems like there were a few plans only offered in 1 or 2 counties but not elsewhere.

MAPD and PDP are regulated by CMS. Medigap is regulated by the state.

Regardless, I see no reason to use Cigna for anything at this point.

@GoPokes the smaller carriers need agents. The big ones don't.