I Love December Sales!


100+ Post Club
Last December was my most productive month and I'm on track to say it again for this December :)
10 applications taken this week off of 12 leads, 6 seen appts. 4200 AP (4 apps were small kids policies).

Plus I have couple appts Friday as well, so far.

Anyone who questions rather Decembers are worth working, should stop doubting and go make some sales :)

Last December was my most productive month and I'm on track to say it again for this December :) 10 applications taken this week off of 12 leads, 6 seen appts. 4200 AP (4 apps were small kids policies). Plus I have couple appts Friday as well, so far. Anyone who questions rather Decembers are worth working, should stop doubting and go make some sales :) Amber

Now if agents could just say that about EVERY MONTH, they just might be here long enough to see another year! :)
Last December was my most productive month and I'm on track to say it again for this December :)
10 applications taken this week off of 12 leads, 6 seen appts. 4200 AP (4 apps were small kids policies).

Plus I have couple appts Friday as well, so far.

Anyone who questions rather Decembers are worth working, should stop doubting and go make some sales :)


So far, so good for me, as well.

Results just as good as any other.

However, I am pleased to say I am taking my first 2 weeks off from field work ever starting December 15th until January 5th.

Haven't had a vacation in years.
23 apps for me from 4 leads

12000 AP today

Bench Pressed 750lbs and then shot a 30 point buck