IPA health plans


Need to confirm my take on this outfit that I talked to in Phx. Marketed by IPA, Independent Producers of America (ipa-america.com). Underwritten by IAIC, Independence American Insurance Co. Administered by IAC, Insurers Administrative Corp.

Leads, decent commissions, and advances. But...

Ground ambulance limited to $500 per year. Air transport not covered.

No prescriptions just a discount card.

Additional benefits package, $49.50/$59.50 ind/family for $5K accident, etc, includes generic drugs at $250 month/$3000 year max per person. Discount name brand for only an additional $24.50/$44.50 ind/family.

And app fee is $95!

Even my limited agent experience tells me to walk on by. It looks like one step up from Mega Life.

At first, the manager was reluctant to meet with me because he doesn't hire experienced agents. I assured him I was new to the business. That was a red flag, right?
I've written a little IAC business but not the limited benefit plan.
I would go with your gut and pass on it.
They offer $35 office visits but no meds or ambulance. It's labeled "The Complete Plan". Their previous plan used World and paid ground ambulance and $5k for air. Now they pulled that. And the manager stated what a great plan it is. It should be illegal. Air transport to Phx can run $20k.
They reviewed those with us during training but I don't sell them so I don't have any experience. Good Luck finding what you are looking for.
Jacodaro - This sounds like a limited discount junk plan. There is a reason they do not want to hire experienced agents and it is transparent. I bet the manager is an ex Mega/Midwest/UA/Snake oil peddler.

Would you really want to sign someone up for one of these plans? Would you take one? Chances are, you could offer a true MM plan for the same cost or less - even if MM costs more, at least it would cover most of their bill after deductible. The type of plans you are talking about are not worth the paper they are written on.
BKr, not a discount plan. MM except for the meds and ambulance. Manager is quite young and so are his agents. Not a plan I would recommend or have myself.
Spoke with the boy manager and informed him I could not in good faith recommend his plan. I asked him if he had any problem with no meds or ambulance. His reply was that I didn't understand what they do and that they market to people who don't take meds. I asked what would happen if someone became seriously ill. He didn't want to talk to me anymore but assured me he made big money and that I had too many questions and was not a good fit for their organization. I suggested he keep his e&o current. That's the problem in this business--everyone says they market a great policy when in fact it could be junk.