Lincoln just axed one of the bigger telesales agency’s

5% is steep but doable. The secret is to make the letter look personalized. Boomers love that stuff.

I mail 100 a week to T65s near me. It's a pain in the ass but it works. Haven't checked my percentages but it works.

FWIW. I once got a 10% return. Offering a baby spoon to new parents. But that was back in the 70s. These days all of those parents are buying supplements from me.
I may have mentioned this before, but my old mentor paid for a 1K drop with LH for FE leads. He got a 26% return!! 260+ leads out of 1000! It was incredible! We ran those leads for quite a while and never once sold a LH FE policy. We were selling the Med Supp though. They were actually competitive. Hell, they even had a price decrease in SC one year.
I also recall that we had an agent/friend in SC who just loved selling LH FE. I kept telling him he was nuts. One day, got a call from him and I guess my words finally reached his ears!! He had no idea there were cheaper companies out there! He never sold another LH policy.
This rule would have kept the call centers alive.

Now AI will put the call centers out of business.

Tell that walking. The call centers will keep on just they are. The companies will see to it. Doesn't matter what your A(ritfical)I says.

But I get it. This is your chance to advertise.