Many nursing homes say they're struggling to stay afloat amid staffing issues, Medicare reimbursement

Northeast Agent

1000 Post Club

The Pennsylvania Health Care Association said the state is on the verge of a crisis for older senior citizens and their families. Many nursing homes say between staffing issues and Medicare reimbursement, they're struggling to stay afloat.

"Nearly 50% of our respondents are owners and operators; they said that given the environment across Pennsylvania, they would be forced to close their facility. That's just the sampling," said Zach Shamberg, President and CEO of the Pennsylvania Health Care Association.

"Families will be forced to travel dozens, if not hundreds of miles to find care," warns Shamberg.

The Pennsylvania Health Care Association believes the state can help turn things around.

Shamberg said, "We need to invest in Medicare reimbursement, and we need to do it in a way that we're rewarding quality outcomes and quality providers."
Happening everywhere, here in Maine in a big way. We've lost 23 nursing homes in the past 10 years. They lose roughly $40 per day on each Medicaid patient, and suffer the same Medicare reimbursement woes and staffing issues as every other state. And yet... about 90% of Americans will do nothing to plan for LTC.
wondering if this is more of a problem in a Blue state then a Red state. Minimum wage rules, taxes, and excessive regulations could certainly also be a factor. PA and Maine are considered Blue for what's it worth....else I know nothing about those states.

Kinda like fast food joints in California hurting because of a $20/hr minimum wage. Every action has consequences. Glad too that all the illegals, I mean guests, can get Medicaid when they come here.

Thank God the government has unlimited ability to print money.