Mitt Romney To End Individual Health Insurance?

But I do believe there is a huge difference in someone being offended because of your beliefs and being offensive with your beliefs. Most political correctness is born out of the former.
But I do believe there is a huge difference in someone being offended because of your beliefs and being offensive with your beliefs. Most political correctness is born out of the former.

Valid points there my friend. There is a fine line between offending somebody and being offensive. Case in point, one of my previous mentors back in college was a strong advocate of helping lower-income African Americans and she taught me a lot about that culture that was quite interesting from a psychological standpoint. We saw eye to eye on many subjects, but one topic that I still think about is thus.......

The N word in reference to black people historically was used in a derogatory manner until most recently rappers starting incorporating variations of the word into their music and sub-culture., movies, etc. The African American title was also the PC way of saying black people around the same time. Future variations manifested into Asian American, Hispanic American, etc. Were getting to the point where you need a doctorate in communication just to keep track of what is "in" and what isn't.....

Being the curious guy I am, I talked with some black friends of mine about the use of the N word and it's implications in music and the media because I didn't understand it that well. The consensus I got from talking with my friend other data that was backed up by my own empirical research, concluded, "By using the N word black people are able to take the power away from the word and its associations by using it themselves and variation's there of." Hmmm, Ok I can understand that perspective, but I do think there are more positive ways to go about change. If a woman is raped, you would be insensitive and quite ignorant to constantly bring that up and call her a victim. People don't get over issues........they learn how to work through issues.........

Vicktor Frankl's time spent at Auschwitzresulted in what is now known existential therapy. Essentially, it is a type of therapy that helps people find meaning in their present life and their future. You can see the importance of such a perspective given the environment it was born from.

My point in the debate is that there is positive and negative energy and what you associate with largely determine the direction you go. The energy can be external or internal. The use of any sorts of words or images on a subconscious level manifests either negative or positive energy in the eyes of the beholder. As a young kid, I was brought up to believe that any use of the N word was bad because it is derogatory. There are only two words in this world I do not tolerate. The N word, and even more so, the derogatory term for Jewish people that begins with a K. My face used to get immediately turns red upon hearing that one if it is meant in a derogatory manner. Times have changed since then..... Now don't get me wrong, I'm all for making jokes because laughter reduces calories and is great for the mind and body. Rent the movie The Hebrew Hammer and you will cry from laughing so hard.

I think we need to find more ways to remain more unified as a country, while showing respect for the sub-cultures........ There has to be some give and take.
You can mean not to offend, but offend none-the-less. If you say you're pro-abortion I guarantee you've offended pro-lifers. If you wear fur you've absolutely offended PETA. If you're at a party and talking about women and work and say "I'm simply believe women with kids should stay home and not work" you've offended working women.
You can mean not to offend, but offend none-the-less. If you say you're pro-abortion I guarantee you've offended pro-lifers. If you wear fur you've absolutely offended PETA. If you're at a party and talking about women and work and say "I'm simply believe women with kids should stay home and not work" you've offended working women.

Quite true, but if somebody apologizes then all is forgiven in my book. I offend people all the time it seems like when I tell them the Copay Saver is predominately for people who cannot afford a more comprehensive plan or don't have a lot of money. But if it is brought to my attention I take action and apply the AEC method Apologize, Explain and Clarify.......