NEA Cuts Off Health Insurance DC


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club

Union With Labor Dispute of Its Own Threatens to Cut Off Workers’ Health Benefits​

The National Education Association, the nation’s largest union, is threatening to cut off health insurance to about 300 Washington, D.C.-based workers on Aug. 1 in an effort to end a bitter contract dispute.

NEA workers with pressing health needs are worried but say they won’t fold. Joye Mercer Barksdale, a writer on the NEA’s government relations team, said she needs coverage for a medical procedure to address atrial fibrillation, a cardiac disorder. “This is insane for the NEA to use our health benefits as a bargaining chip,” she said.

But Barksdale said the threat isn’t enough to force her to agree to an unacceptable contract. “I am not ready to give in,” she said.
