No Medicare Part A?


5000 Post Club
I have a prospect who is retiring this month, at 66 years old

But he does not have part A Medicare, said he never got a card,
I took his social and checked with Medicare companies to find nothing showing no part A number

He said he has worked many years in the US, not sure why this would be

Should I have him fill out sign up for medicare the link for both part A and B?
Or is there some issue where I need to have hi call or go in directly?
He can apply via SSA for Part A, generally without penalty or delay.

If he has/had creditable coverage from his employer, and qualifies for an SEP, he can sign up here . . .

He can apply via SSA for Part A, generally without penalty or delay.

If he has/had creditable coverage from his employer, and qualifies for an SEP, he can sign up here . . .

OK so that is the Part B only

Should I have him go here and to sign up for Medicare on top?

This is what I believe I am hearing
He can't apply for Part B via the "regular" SSA Medicare site, but he can apply for Part A. I have clients who have done this before.

He can apply for Part A via SSA

Then use the Part B link for the rest of his benefit.
He can't apply for Part B via the "regular" SSA Medicare site, but he can apply for Part A. I have clients who have done this before.

He can apply for Part A via SSA

Then use the Part B link for the rest of his benefit.

Ok I had a bad night sleep so I am a little slow today

What we are saying is you fills out the top link for part A and then the bottom link for Part B

and not both A and B in the top link?