Question On Aetna producer world BOB


5000 Post Club
Aetna bob is crap . It shows all your inactives forever . Is there anyway to only show your actives or do you have to go threw excel deleteing all inactives before downloading to your crm?
It's almost as if aetna doesnt care about agents ability to manage their business. Wouldn't it be crazy if aetna looked at what their competitors were doing, and replicated/improved it? Such a dumb business concept.
It's almost as if aetna doesnt care about agents ability to manage their business. Wouldn't it be crazy if aetna looked at what their competitors were doing, and replicated/improved it? Such a dumb business concept.
There whole agent site a damm joke . They use an excel spreadsheet for there Bob . Humana has the best and United second. Aetna the agent called him order a clients medical card online more call for it . The member must call or be on the line. I can't tell you how many 100's of times I pull up the cards on the portals , take a pic and text to the client then press a button to order new card
There whole agent site a damm joke . They use an excel spreadsheet for there Bob . Humana has the best and United second. Aetna the agent called him order a clients medical card online more call for it . The member must call or be on the line. I can't tell you how many 100's of times I pull up the cards on the portals , take a pic and text to the client then press a button to order new card
I couldn't agree more. It is disappointing. I would love to spread business around more. This week Ive already had two aetna mapd members ask for help with a replacement card....

Yay! I get to make a few long phone calls, whereas with a different carrier I can just click a few buttons.... if aetna would get on board, it would save us all time and energy.
Aetna Producer World has been crap since at least 2007. It is what it is..
Aetna bob is crap . It shows all your inactives forever . Is there anyway to only show your actives or do you have to go threw excel deleteing all inactives before downloading to your crm?
Yea it is a pita. I didn't even realize they had a bob to access until last week, lol. But what I did was just export to excel then Filter out all the ones that have a termed year in there and then also filter for effective date of 1/1/2025.

I think you could also just filter for termed year to show 1/1/3000 and that would show all the actives.

Also you need to go through and delete rows that are empty. Otherwise when you filter it will filter to the empty row. Like I said it is a pita