The Right FMO... do I need one?

CJ Tibbs

Hi Friends,

PC Girl looking to enter Senior Space. My present boss has allowed me to get experience in this market (as he's slowing down operations). I want to write MED ADV. and Supps (for now).

A few things occurred to me after reading several posts...
  • When do you need an FMO?
  • Are there many companies you can get a direct contract with?
  • What are the pros of working with an FMO?
Thanks for your input~
That's great info... Thansk!

BUT back to the question... 'Do I need an FMO?'
You don't NEED one but, if you write enough business you'll probably want one. There are extra resources and $$ that come from FMO's that you can't usually get direct from the carrier.

If you just want to write a few apps here and there with a few carriers, you probably don't
You don't NEED one but, if you write enough business you'll probably want one. There are extra resources and $$ that come from FMO's that you can't usually get direct from the carrier.

If you just want to write a few apps here and there with a few carriers, you probably don't
I like the idea of working with other 'Team Mates' on the same side. I also like comradery (probably why I stayed at my office for so long).

My biggest concern is getting a release when needed !
That's great info... Thansk!

BUT back to the question... 'Do I need an FMO?'
The 100% accurate answer would be no. There will be some companies you can't contract with without going through an FMO but that's not what you are asking.
The 100% accurate answer would be no. There will be some companies you can't contract with without going through an FMO but that's not what you are asking.
I guess I worded the title wrong.

"SHOULD I work with an FMO ?" (That's better) !

What are the pros of working with an FMO?

Obviously the first thing that comes to mind is the free technology.

But beyond that, I use mine for information. Stuff like product changes and announcements, webinars and company updates.

The right FMO can provide stuff that you'd normally have to sniff out on your own.

I have 7 or 8 different ones as well as quite a few companies that are direct.

There's no real down side to having a good FMO or two.
I like the idea of working with other 'Team Mates' on the same side. I also like comradery (probably why I stayed at my office for so long).

My biggest concern is getting a release when needed !
Make sure you talk about that up front and have it in writing.

We say we do releases 48 hours after the request because our competitors like to keep it vague and drag their feet into the black out period where they can say "oh sorry, it's too late now"