"TRUE" Social Security Billing Carriers???


New Member
Just wondering, does anyone have a list of FE carriers that do "TRUE" Social Security Billing, meaning that if the clients social security payment day falls on a holiday or weekend day and social security pays the day before, "The Carrier Automatically Debits the Clients Account on the Same Day that the early payment hits the clients account." (just in case some didn't know the definition of TRUE Social Security Billing)
Just wondering, does anyone have a list of FE carriers that do "TRUE" Social Security Billing, meaning that if the clients social security payment day falls on a holiday or weekend day and social security pays the day before, "The Carrier Automatically Debits the Clients Account on the Same Day that the early payment hits the clients account." (just in case some didn't know the definition of TRUE Social Security Billing)
There's really none now with so many getting paid early. But Trans and Trinity are about it for getting close. Many claim to do "true" SSB but they don't in practice.