United Quotes / Build My Agency


GA Medicare Expert
5000 Post Club
Several years ago I used United Quotes and had decent results. Have not used them in a while but I did get a solicitation for their "super leads" that are phone verified.

Sign up before 10/31 and order 100 leads for $9.95 each.

I can't find anything about filters or credit policy. Wondering if anyone has current experience?

BuildMyAgency - Insurance Leads
When I tried super leads the phone verification was terrible.

Phone room is in PERU, S.A., not Peru IL. Hard to understand and worthless. Maybe they have changed, but be sure to listen to theie phone verifiaction, or ask for some teat lead. Be careful.
I bought some of the super leads and didn't have much luck, but then got some of the recycled leads and have had much better luck with those.

If nothing else they are good for a laugh, the phone verification recordings are hillarious!