Women are everywhere. Pretty much 50/50 ration with men. Women are natural sales people, learning to communicate and wear make up, and high heels, while guys are learning to be stronger, faster, fitter, and punch things. Brute force is always an option for a guy. Communication and relationships are the spine of how women move through this world.
Now I dont want to sound sexist, so absolutely there are guys who rely and were brought up to be communicators, artists, diplomats, and likewise there are women who were brought up, and chose to be excellent sports women, and even just cold hearted ultra professional goal chasing bull dozers.
There is also cross over. Guys have to learn to relate to their peers for friendship and eventually girls too for relationships. Women are an invaluable part of the work force, and are supposedly stronger emotionally than men... so its taking us back to the central point.
Why is sales such a male dominated profession?
Women are arguably the great communicators and sellers out of the two genders, - generically.
Guys arguably have a testosterone gilded edge, when it comes to bold confidence, but who is more confident than a confident girl socially?
This isnt an appeal to sexism. Quite the opposite. Women whether seen as the same or different, are equals in the work place, but not in numbers, or representation in sales?
Now I dont want to sound sexist, so absolutely there are guys who rely and were brought up to be communicators, artists, diplomats, and likewise there are women who were brought up, and chose to be excellent sports women, and even just cold hearted ultra professional goal chasing bull dozers.
There is also cross over. Guys have to learn to relate to their peers for friendship and eventually girls too for relationships. Women are an invaluable part of the work force, and are supposedly stronger emotionally than men... so its taking us back to the central point.
Why is sales such a male dominated profession?
Women are arguably the great communicators and sellers out of the two genders, - generically.
Guys arguably have a testosterone gilded edge, when it comes to bold confidence, but who is more confident than a confident girl socially?
This isnt an appeal to sexism. Quite the opposite. Women whether seen as the same or different, are equals in the work place, but not in numbers, or representation in sales?