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Medigap Policies Face New Federal Nondiscrimination Rule

You guys never hear things after saying UHC/AARP like...

"They kill babies"
"I will never support anything or anyone who supported Obama"
"I'm a Texan. Good Texans are Republicans and Republicans hate AARP"
I can usually follow but I'll admit I'm lost on this one.

If someone doesn't like UHC/AARP - well, big deal, they sell both MA and Med Supp (in many counties) ... So I don't get it.

I live in eastern NC near Camp Lejeune. It's a very Republican area all around (until you get into the center of Wilmington). I don't see that as affecting whether someone wants MA or Med Supp.

Someone can philosophically prefer one but practically pick the other.

I pholosophically preferred no stimulus. But I cashed a check...
Didn't take much to run this train off the tracks.

IF this is implemented as laid out, it will destroy the OM/Medigap market. Unless DC is going to subsidize premiums .. . . which of course will solve everything.

All carriers, at least the ones that remain, will be impacted as will the Medicare beneficiaries regardless of the way they voted.
So I wast this HCSC thing a few weeks ago and they brought in their head lobbyist. Most interesting thing he said was that Republicans are pro MAPD and Dems are anti MAPD. Guy next to me from Oklahoma ( Somarco's age, politics and background ;) ) asked him to repeat it because we both thought he misspoke. Nope. Then he asked how many die hard Republicans buy MAPD and laughed.

1. Who the heck knows what they are talking about.
2. Plan A only states for U65?
3. One rate for every from age 65-100
4. Unisex rates? (Its fine for couples, but once again, single women and widows get screwed)
5. Again, who knows. How much more crap can they change for 1/1/25? Hunting for vodka.
MAPD was created and passed by Republicans. Democrats fought hard against it. This was back in the George Bush days.

Think about it. Republicans are for private companies competing for business. Democrats are for government running things and think profits and corporations are pretty much evil.

The truth lies somewhere in the middle.

But Advantage Plans have always been considered the George Bush Republican creation. President Obama promised to defund them as soon as he took office. Humana and others sent letters to all their insureds about it and caused s huge backlash to get him to back down on that.
I found the 550+ page document in one of the links and searched medigap.

They did interact with a commentor who brought up concerns that any logical person would have (they're already regulated, adverse selection, prices will go up, etc).

The reply to the commentator was basically: but yeah, we don't like health questions.