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Can We Tolerate Millions of Elderly People Living in Cars?

I'm sure that everyone in this group has prepared for the future, because it takes a forward thinking person to sell insurance.

Why the majority of the US is comfortable with no savings but an 18 month old car in the driveway, a new iphone every year, and going out to dinner every night is beyond me.

Our government seems to want to make everyone poor. They advertise food programs and medicaid on TV.

Although there are exceptions of course, single parents who never graduated high school, medical issues beyond insurance, etc, I would say our issues aren't because the government doesn't do enough, it's because what they are doing (putting people on programs) doesn't solve the main issue.

Personal responsibility and frugality.

In actual poor countries, with real poverty, people really don't have food. They live on the streets because they have no car. And they didn't have the opportunity to spend money on TVs, cell phones, and cars.

In the US, we have this YOLO (you only live once) attitude, which contributes to people having no money when they are old. I'm not sure if there is anything the Government can do about that.
LBJ's War on Poverty is a losing battle. The Great Society created more dependence on government. The resulting change in persective on self reliance led to more spending and less saving.

Big government creates poverty. It does not cure it.

I would even say it's simply just plain old accountability missing from many Americans. Many people want to blame somebody else for their life while keeping a hand out to get a handout.

I don't believe LBJ thought this would be the outcome.

Not to mention greed. Greed does not discriminate based on net worth.
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Insurance agents as a group are terrible money managers..... There are many that aren't but I would say they are not in the majority. No proof for my belief other than the agents I have observed over the years..
Sales people in general are terrible with money. Especially great salespeople.

I am a good salesperson, but I am very good with money. I'm in the minority.