Ethics question, I may be losing group but they keep asking me for help in losing them


I have a small group client, 6 employees. Their renewal is coming due April 1. However, they've been holding off on signing, and I can tell they are shopping around just by the questions they are asking. I made it clear that I can get them whatever they need and even proactively provided some alternative quotes. However, they keep emailing asking for documents, claims reports, etc. I gave them the most recent report because the renewal docs include it and the renewal is coming due soon.
I even had a conversation with them, but they just won't reveal anything. Yet, they keep asking for more info on the plan, the claims history, etc. Now, they want more docs on prior years claims.
What is the right thing to do here? I haven't received the dreaded AOR change letter yet from the insurance company, so I am still the broker of record. However, I am quite irritated. I feel like an employee training his replacement.
Any thoughts on the matter?
Give them the information that they're asking for. Do your job. That's what they've been paying you for.

Give them a reason to keep paying you.
Give them the information that they're asking for. Do your job. That's what they've been paying you for.

Give them a reason to keep paying you.
I would add, how much are you actually making on a 6 life group? Don't fret about them and go get a bigger, better client.
Agree with the other 2 posts. You are caught between a rock and hard place on this one. You need to provide them with what they are asking for, if possible. While it feels like they are shopping, they may end up coming back to you at renewal. But for a 6-life case, this is a little strange. Good luck
Give them the information that they're asking for. Do your job. That's what they've been paying you for.

Give them a reason to keep paying you.
I have provided, but now they said "the third party underwriters are actually looking for this.... please send over as soon as possible." So clearly they are working with someone else. I've already concluded they are probably gone, but I will hope for the best. My fear is this group is a related company to another slightly bigger group I have and I just am worried about a domino effect...
Again, your job. If you start to experience a leak in your book of business, ask yourself why that is. If you're losing an abnormal amount of clients, maybe reevaluate some processes.

If you're that worried about this particular group, ask them why you're losing their business? You can't keep every client every time.
If they are having renewal issues, talk to them about ICHRA. It may not be the path they need to go, but I doubt they are being given that option. As much as you can throw at them outside the box, will show your value over whoever is trying to take your business.
I have a small group client, 6 employees. Their renewal is coming due April 1. However, they've been holding off on signing, and I can tell they are shopping around just by the questions they are asking. I made it clear that I can get them whatever they need and even proactively provided some alternative quotes. However, they keep emailing asking for documents, claims reports, etc. I gave them the most recent report because the renewal docs include it and the renewal is coming due soon.
I even had a conversation with them, but they just won't reveal anything. Yet, they keep asking for more info on the plan, the claims history, etc. Now, they want more docs on prior years claims.
What is the right thing to do here? I haven't received the dreaded AOR change letter yet from the insurance company, so I am still the broker of record. However, I am quite irritated. I feel like an employee training his replacement.
Any thoughts on the matter?

Many will probably say I am wrong on this, however, I have my own feelings and thoughts. First, while this has not happened to me in a very long time, I still have distinct thoughts on this. Second, business is business. There is no reason why people -- both client and advisor -- can't be completely open and honest with each other. They are not doing that. They are "playing" two ends against the middle so to speak. Therefore, I don't see any reasons why you should "help" and "aid" them in taking business from you and giving it to someone else.

Your work should not be absconded by them or someone else. I would ask them outright -- do you plan on working with me and having me handle this renewal and shop the marketplace for you, or do you feel the need to look to someone else and ask them to shop for you? Get their answer. If it's the former, next time they ask you for something for shopping purposes, you know they are not being honest. You can say to them, if I am handling the shopping for you, allow me to do my job. I shop. I have what I need to shop. If you keep asking me for these items, then apparently you are asking someone else to shop. We already addressed that. Have you changed your mind?

If they continue to not be honest and ask you for material -- simply say to them, we don't maintain those records as it's not part of our business operation. As the client, consumer, employer, you should be maintaining those records and that information, and it is not our obligation to do so. Something along those lines.

You do not want to be the sucker here. On the other hand, some will tell you, be cooperative, be the good guy, and if things don't work out -- the group will come back to you! For me, I don't need -- but more importantly -- I don't WANT a client like that. Clients who are not open and honest with me about our business dealings don't get to stay clients of mine for very long. That's just me and my practice.
Many will probably say I am wrong on this, however, I have my own feelings and thoughts. First, while this has not happened to me in a very long time, I still have distinct thoughts on this. Second, business is business. There is no reason why people -- both client and advisor -- can't be completely open and honest with each other. They are not doing that. They are "playing" two ends against the middle so to speak. Therefore, I don't see any reasons why you should "help" and "aid" them in taking business from you and giving it to someone else.

Your work should not be absconded by them or someone else. I would ask them outright -- do you plan on working with me and having me handle this renewal and shop the marketplace for you, or do you feel the need to look to someone else and ask them to shop for you? Get their answer. If it's the former, next time they ask you for something for shopping purposes, you know they are not being honest. You can say to them, if I am handling the shopping for you, allow me to do my job. I shop. I have what I need to shop. If you keep asking me for these items, then apparently you are asking someone else to shop. We already addressed that. Have you changed your mind?

If they continue to not be honest and ask you for material -- simply say to them, we don't maintain those records as it's not part of our business operation. As the client, consumer, employer, you should be maintaining those records and that information, and it is not our obligation to do so. Something along those lines.

You do not want to be the sucker here. On the other hand, some will tell you, be cooperative, be the good guy, and if things don't work out -- the group will come back to you! For me, I don't need -- but more importantly -- I don't WANT a client like that. Clients who are not open and honest with me about our business dealings don't get to stay clients of mine for very long. That's just me and my practice.
I agree. I wouldn't participate in this either.

OP, have you done what this post suggests and just straight up ask them why they need what they keep requesting from you? When they mentioned a third party underwriter, what was your response?