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Boyfriend Wants to Be on my Car Insurance


New Member
I don't even know where to begin but here's the situation, so my boyfriend hasn't had a car in a while he sold his old car since it needed work and he didn't want to put the money in it and he hasn't really needed a car lately (his job is right by where he lives so he just walks over and when we go somewhere I will usually just drive). Now he has decided he wants to finally get a car again but because his driving record hasn't been the best from accidents and tickets and what not in the past, he is clearly high risk and he can't afford to pay possibly $600/mth or so.

With this he asked me to insure the car he chooses to get that way he will get a lower insurance rate. So basically it would be as if I just bought myself a new car and he would be borrowing it. But I am currently under my parents insurance because I still live at home soo I would have to take out a separate policy.

From day one, when he asked me about this I have always been hesitant because it just does not sound right! My parents have taught me when you have car insurance any person driving the car needs to have their name under the insurance as a driver.

I have asked a few friends about this and their immediate response was NO. I have been trying to tell him I don't feel comfortable doing this and he keeps saying if something happens it would fall onto him as the driver, not me as the owner.

I'm trying to make my case to him that this is a bad idea so I have questions.

1. If he got a moving violation (run a light, speed) what/who does that affect?
2. If he got a parking ticket what/who does it affect?
3. If he ever got pulled over just because a cop scans the plate and decided to question things would there be a fine?
4. Would I be in trouble if he got into an accident?
5. What if he god forbid had paraphernalia in his pockets and got checked for some reason, does that affect me? What if it's straight up in the car?

Would any of these issues hurt my name under the insurance? I have a feeling they would but I jst need straight answers.

Otherwise I'm trying to come up with excuses to him that I can't do it because he's being too stubborn to listen to me.
not an agent.

Several years ago auto insurance carrier was going to cancel insurance on all my vehicles because of an apparent problem with a daughters boyfriend's driving record.

The issues got resolved and insurance was not cancelled but it was a very stressful couple of weeks for me.

IMO, if he expects you to lie and cover for him now, you probably should be examining the grounds of your relationship before it goes further.
To put it another way that might help, what you're talking about is insurance fraud. I can see why he wants it and I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy for thinking it might be a good solution, but in terms of what you should be doing consider that it's literally insurance fraud. Other than that, it's a great idea ;)
To put it another way that might help, what you're talking about is insurance fraud. I can see why he wants it and I don't think he's necessarily a bad guy for thinking it might be a good solution, but in terms of what you should be doing consider that it's literally insurance fraud. Other than that, it's a great idea ;)

I disagree. He is clearly irresponsible and he has a way to walk to work-if that fails he'll find another friend to crash with or get a bike or a different job.

After he trashes this lady's ins record and she has to pay 3 times what she would otherwise to be able to get to work and do other things she needs to do, he will just be moving on to someone else.

She needs to WAKE UP NOW!
I appreciate the opinions, I'm currently trying to figure out what excuse can be used as to why it won't work because he doesn't seem to believe what I tell him. He is not a bad guy, just tends to be irresponsible and doesn't seem to like to do things the right way, no matter what the issue might be. I think he's just being stubborn and looking to take the "easy" way out because I don't think he does the proper research. He told me if I told him from the get go "no way what so ever" he would have just left it alone and even though now I'm trying to turn back it's like he thinks there's still a way to pursuade me.
He is not respecting you and is attempting to use you for his own ends, saying whatever it takes to accomplish that.

In the arena of hoarding problems, many women have found, to their distress and dismay, that they are unable to change that kind of selfish, self centered and arrogant behavior in a man. Please be careful you are not walking into that kind of trap yourself in your own situation.
I don't even know where to begin but here's the situation, so my boyfriend hasn't had a car in a while he sold his old car since it needed work and he didn't want to put the money in it and he hasn't really needed a car lately (his job is right by where he lives so he just walks over and when we go somewhere I will usually just drive). Now he has decided he wants to finally get a car again but because his driving record hasn't been the best from accidents and tickets and what not in the past, he is clearly high risk and he can't afford to pay possibly $600/mth or so.

With this he asked me to insure the car he chooses to get that way he will get a lower insurance rate. So basically it would be as if I just bought myself a new car and he would be borrowing it. But I am currently under my parents insurance because I still live at home soo I would have to take out a separate policy.

From day one, when he asked me about this I have always been hesitant because it just does not sound right! My parents have taught me when you have car insurance any person driving the car needs to have their name under the insurance as a driver.

I have asked a few friends about this and their immediate response was NO. I have been trying to tell him I don't feel comfortable doing this and he keeps saying if something happens it would fall onto him as the driver, not me as the owner.

I'm trying to make my case to him that this is a bad idea so I have questions.

1. If he got a moving violation (run a light, speed) what/who does that affect?
2. If he got a parking ticket what/who does it affect?
3. If he ever got pulled over just because a cop scans the plate and decided to question things would there be a fine?
4. Would I be in trouble if he got into an accident?
5. What if he god forbid had paraphernalia in his pockets and got checked for some reason, does that affect me? What if it's straight up in the car?

Would any of these issues hurt my name under the insurance? I have a feeling they would but I jst need straight answers.

Otherwise I'm trying to come up with excuses to him that I can't do it because he's being too stubborn to listen to me.

preface I'm not an insurance agent.

red flag
red flag
red flag

Maybe start with why you're dating a guy that is forcing you to explain why committing insurance fraud is bad. & why committing insurance fraud with drug paraphanelia in car is worse.

Why are you dating this guy?

run. run. run.
I'd have to ask why even purchase insurance in this case?

The day he gets into an accident with the car and the insurance company sees an unlisted driver owns it/uses it (which they will because its going to be on the ticket). They will cancel the policy to the inception date, refund the premiums, and you/he is on the hook to take care of the damage and/or resulting injuries.

As others have said, its insurance fraud. There really shouldn't be a need to justify yourself to him beyond that.