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Has anyone Heard of Dream Source Consulting LLC AND THE Predictable Premium system

i was tripped up by a facebook ad this guy placed and eager to talk to him. When I had the call just today i had another guy, Mario call me with some very canned questions and didn't have much in terms of heart. After I asked him many questions he then said can I get Alberto to call you? I said sure. As I talked to this guy I could tell he was all talk. I started to wonder, if you had written over 100,000/premium per month then what wouldn't he be licensed still to receive trails? the reason is I believe is he's another internet scam. Speaks to trying to help but the only thing he wants to help is himself. Makes me very upset I wasted an hour talking to Mario and this dude bc it's obvious he's a theorist not a realist in the present world. BUYER BEWARE of the hard closing, trying to do whatever it takes to get your CC, and finally as it ended he laughed and acted like a total prick as I asked him about some core beliefs such as "if you are married how come your wife doesn't carry your same last name?"....wish there were some real folks out there and I hope the California Department of Insurance comes down on this guy somehow mistrepresenting items.
I hope the California Department of Insurance comes down on this guy somehow mistrepresenting items.

Won't happen, unless he's scamming the public at large. Agents are fair game. Just like lead vendors or whatever else. Just use a credit card, if you were to move forward, so you can always contest it.
I subscribed to Alberto's Predictable Premium membership. He does offer interesting ideas.

Are there recent comments about the viability of his consultation script and Facebook advertising?

Alberto conducts twice-weekly webinars. The frustration is that it mostly new people and never people who have gone beyond 1-3 weeks.

The stories are redundant to products, tennis, mentors, books he reads and how beautiful his life is living in Mexico, his family, he knows nothing about how to use an application or how to open files. When asked questions that he does not want to respond, he goes into bullying mode 'you did not do it the way I requested,' I could not open the document' or 'I won't talk about it and then proceed to another topic.' Never responds to e-mail, says he works with assistants, but then when asked a question, he pivots or reverts to bullying mode.

It is always our fault. The challenge of being a predictable premium member. We have to write scripts from a template that may or may not be what we do. It is from his text, and then we have to figure out how to adapt to what we do to his script with no comprehension whether it is viable. If the script is not successful the pivot is, 'well you didn't do it the way I explained in the videos, so it is your fault.' He comments that it is easy. Everything is easy. Adapting scripts, preparing slides, and doing narration is not straightforward.

Consultations are always in a webinar which is sometimes difficult to hear, and there is little time to have a substantive conversation.

When I have asked those who have prepared scripts or videos for me to view to get an understanding of how I can do my work, no member responds on the group facebook that is a member only group site.

Is there a person who has been satisfied and has proceeded with Level-2 of this membership who has been productive? I would be interested to schedule a conversation.
Alberto offers a few useful ideas. I was seeking a program or mentor who had progressive sales ideas and I thought that Alberto was distinctive.

The first time, he had one of the sales associates in his business go through the program. The fellow did not offer the finesse of Alberto.

He seems to have a 'loyal cult' of people who comment that his $5,800 sales program is of value.

During the 6 weeks, I was in his program, it was one frustration after another.

1. He never responds to e-mail requests
2. All interaction is done on the telephone conference calls. Only a few minutes are offered with ideas and suggestions.
3. No matter what, he is right and everyone else is an *** or if you are compliant he will praise you.
4. His sales message is the same idea over and over and over again.
5. If you are Level - 2 most of his suggestions are out of date as Facebook has changed but his information is 2016 or early 2017.
6. You must prepare a 19 minute or more video to advertise on Facebook. He writes that he provides a word for word ideas about how to write the script. He doesn't. The template is one long paragraph. When I asked for assistance he was arrogant and condescending.

If you are willing to endure the course expense and watching his videos of him walking around someone's backyard in Mexico in his shorts, he is your person. He loves tennis so be prepared to listen to his tennis stories.

One more item. When provoked, Alberto threatens to use his legal team similar to what The Don does with people he chooses to intimidate.

I researched the firm he has on retainer which is a distinguished law firm where all graduated from the distinguished, prestigious, and selective law school - "The Law School of Hard Knocks."

The name of the law firm that represents Alberto or Albert is: Dewey, Chetum, and Howe.
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I saw the fake reviews on his FB page before he removed them. Whether or not YOU are getting value from him or not... he hasn't shown the highest ideals to marketing himself and his "services".
Facebook profiles with no substance giving reviews = fake.

Can't prove it NOW... because he removed it from the page. Do you SEE the "reviews" tab? Nope. Do you know why? Because I pointed out his deception.

Now, does that mean he can't have legitimate testimonials? Of course not. But at the time, it was really shady.

I hope you are getting value from his program... but I wouldn't trust an UNLICENSED person (in ANY state) to train me.
Keep enjoying that Cognitive Dissonance and continuing to convince yourself that you're in good hands. I actually hope so. But my experience and the experiences of other posters on this thread... would certainly have me thinking twice.

Why would a person who supposedly can help people earn millions per year... not be doing it himself and keep licensing somewhere to continue to collect renewals? It's not hard to keep an insurance license active.

Based on his claims - let's assume for a 10 year period, he sold $1 million of life insurance commissionable premium each year... and his renewals is only 2%. That's $10 million of life premium at 2% = $200,000 a year in renewals (assuming that the 2% goes on indefinitely; obviously various selling contracts will differ). I guess he can't be bothered to keep his insurance license active to collect that?

Something doesn't seem right.