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Hey Wino, just wanted to let you know I am going to die tonight.


5000 Post Club
Got this call about a week ago.

A 25+ year client called to say good bye and ask that I take care of all the insurance details for his wife like I said I would. And he did in fact die.

They had called a month or so ago to do a review on her policy so I took the opportunity to do a review in all the policies.

When we first met he was this _Big_ fooman chu mustachioed MC Biker. Loud and I think trying to intimate me. Ended up having beers and them trying to hook me up with his sister in law.

Just got off the phone with Mary Lou. I have done maybe hundreds of claims. Some are just sadder.

If you are in business long enough you will get several of these 'I'm dying' calls. Along with suicide clause inquiries. Those have been interesting.

Yeah, it's about sales and the net, but that's not all it is about. At least not for me.

The funeral home will not do an assignment. So they are just going to pay it by check. She wants me to help her with the claim paperwork. So, road trip it is.

I keep thinking I may retire completely. But my clients call for coverage and help, or they die and I need to do what I said I would do.

Hell, what am I going to do if I quit anyway?