Adding Upline as Additional Insured?


1000 Post Club
My P&C upline is nagging me to add them as an additional insured.

The thing is I just have an agent/producer E&O policy. Not an Agency policy.

Do I have to upgrade to an agency policy in order to add my upline's agency (which is an LLC) as an additional insured?

And there's another thing. My upline's upline (which is the group), is the one that is typically listed as AOR on the dec pages.

And they want to be added as an additional insured under my upline's E&O policy, but they haven't mentioned anything about me adding them to my E&O. I am listed as an additional insured under my immediate upline's E&O though.

This is confusing. What's the proper way to set this up as a 1099 external producer?
My P&C upline is nagging me to add them as an additional insured.

The thing is I just have an agent/producer E&O policy. Not an Agency policy.

Do I have to upgrade to an agency policy in order to add my upline's agency (which is an LLC) as an additional insured?

And there's another thing. My upline's upline (which is the group), is the one that is typically listed as AOR on the dec pages.

And they want to be added as an additional insured under my upline's E&O policy, but they haven't mentioned anything about me adding them to my E&O. I am listed as an additional insured under my immediate upline's E&O though.

This is confusing. What's the proper way to set this up as a 1099 external producer?
that sounds odd. Maybe the P&C world is different but in the L&H lines that would never happen.

If anything, it would be the other way around.

In order to add your upline, I imagine you would need an agency policy, with would push your premium up quite a bit.

Something smells fishy here
Ask this in the P&C section. It could be industry specific. But David is correct about the L&H side of the biz. It would never be asked to do and would be very suspect.

However, P&C clusters do have more "skin in the game" legally vs. L&H uplines.

So it could very well be a P&C thing.
Yeah, I probably need to give NAPA a call. I switched to Next awhile back, but their E&O is full of holes. No long-distance trucking, which I don't focus on but need to keep one of my carrier contracts. And level funded health plans are not even mentioned, but the NAPA policy through Nationwide has a specific endorsement for that.