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Anybody Get Stage Fright?

Just remember you are talking to a human being on the next end. The most they will say is yes or no. You will get better at it the more you do it. Brings back memory when I used to work in a law firm as a teen. I was terrified to answer the telephone or call a client. The more I did it the better I became at it.
Don't put too much thought in into it at first. Realize that your goal is to make a connection, help them to uncover potential problems that you may be able to help solve. Your teaching background should give you an advantage because essentially that what you'll be doing is educating people and persuading them to take action on your recommended solutions! The biggest thing that helped me overcome call reluctance is to reevaluate why i'm in this business. What am I doing this for? If it's just to make money there are plenty of other jobs where you can make a good living without having to prospect or make cold calls. It has to be something big enough to keep you laser focused and in the game, otherwise when you had enough of people yelling at you to get off their porch or hanging up on you, it's time to start updating the old resume again! I think that's why most people fail in this business. There's a low barrier of entry and their heart's not in it enough to keep fighting when the going gets tough, and it does get tough!

A+ advice thomasm. You have to have goals and sight of "the bigger picture", something that gets you out of bed every morning and keeps you pressing on!
I think we all have a bit of stage fright from time to time. I've been doing this awhile and I still have a hard time picking up the phone- even to my existing clients. I'm afraid they'll yell at me for something- which almost never happens. It's a crazy irrational fear that I get from time to time.
But then, when I'm in the zone, I'll call ANYONE! Bring me a phone book, I'm making sales! Find the zone and you'll do great. I tend to loosen up after a couple of lattes, then watch out! (My normal peppiness, on steroids. People seem to like it. Weird.)
Just remember that the worst thing they can say is "no" (regardless of how they may say it). As someone else said, there's a human on the other end. No harm, no foul. Good luck! Practice makes perfect and the more you do it, the less fearful you will be.
I did it, i just took a big, deep breath and put it all out there. Most responses I got was that the person "was on vacation" or that he/she was getting set up to leave town. granted, it is smack-dab in the middle of summer. but really?! I called everybody on my phone list except for my current students (I am still teaching until this career begins to take off), I figure I can call them once they graduate.

On a positive note, I spoke to one of my longtime friend, and her brother DEFINITELY needs my services. She explained his situation to me; and yeah-he needs me; if not somebody (it BETTER be me)! She also wants me to reevaluate all she already has on her plan in 2 weeks! Another person wants to set up something the first part of next month!

Am I now just getting impatient that I was thinking that I would be able to call someone today and have appointments already lined up next week? I think I may have gotten over my initial stage fright, but now I am looking at another problem: a slow-moving natural market! :-(
I did it, i just took a big, deep breath and put it all out there. Most responses I got was that the person "was on vacation" or that he/she was getting set up to leave town. granted, it is smack-dab in the middle of summer. but really?! I called everybody on my phone list except for my current students (I am still teaching until this career begins to take off), I figure I can call them once they graduate.

On a positive note, I spoke to one of my longtime friend, and her brother DEFINITELY needs my services. She explained his situation to me; and yeah-he needs me; if not somebody (it BETTER be me)! She also wants me to reevaluate all she already has on her plan in 2 weeks! Another person wants to set up something the first part of next month!

Am I now just getting impatient that I was thinking that I would be able to call someone today and have appointments already lined up next week? I think I may have gotten over my initial stage fright, but now I am looking at another problem: a slow-moving natural market! :-(

Good luck with it -like any industry cold calling is tough, but after you realize all they can do is say no you will learn to have fun with it.