Disability Insurance Services (DIS)

You are looking for Disability Insurance Services, You can visit any near Insurance Agency, and confirm form them that they provides the service or not. Most of the companies provides the compensation services to their employees, if you are a employee then you can also contact to your company.
You are looking for Disability Insurance Services, You can visit any near Insurance Agency, and confirm form them that they provides the service or not. Most of the companies provides the compensation services to their employees, if you are a employee then you can also contact to your company.

Please stop! There is already too much sodium in my diet.
You are looking for Disability Insurance Services, You can visit any near Insurance Agency, and confirm form them that they provides the service or not. Most of the companies provides the compensation services to their employees, if you are a employee then you can also contact to your company.

Did prop 19 pass in California?
I reached out to this group to inquire about their DI products and they followed up with an offer to run a quote for one of my clients. I sent them client info and they sent me a proposal. The client didn't buy but now DIS is sending me "inner circle" emails and makes it sound like they're ready to take my future business.

Does anyone know if they're collecting overrides or if they're charging up front for the service? There's been no mention of services for sale but no mention of contracts either. Anyone used them recently?
DIS gets paid through overrides with the carriers. We don't touch the broker's commissions or charge the broker for services.
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