Don't Lie when Cold Calling!


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I just listened to a video of a self proclaimed "guru" of cold calling who was giving advice to someone who was having trouble getting through receptionist aka gatekeepers. His advice was to lie! Here is what he said to say to get to the owner when the receptionist picks up... "I was told to call John(owner) because of a problem you're having with your IT servers or something... can you put me through please?". Then when the owner picks up he says, "Hi John, I was told you might be having a problem with your IT services. We help companies to ..... ". He even goes on to say... don't dig yourself into to big a hole that you can't get out of. Basically saying... lie but don't lie so bad that you're screwed. hahahahahaa This is the worst advice I have ever heard!!!

The sad part is he isn't the only one pushing this junk. There is a guy called gold calling or something who has recordings of himself making calls on his website where he uses this technique. He gets no where on the calls and the people are basically hanging up on him. I ended up feeling sorry for the business owners who took these calls. Absolutely horrible. And this guy posts them like they are successes!!! hahahahahahaha

Anyway, if you want to blackballed from a company, get yelled at, hung up on, have horrible meetings, get used, hate your business and yourself... then by all means, use this method. Ultimately, this method is for anyone who doesn't have anything of value to sell so they lie to get in. If they could truly be an asset to a company, they sure as hell wouldn't need to lie to get in.

Do yourself a favor and be honest with people. You'll have more success, enjoy your work more and have a much longer career than the liars, cheaters and manipulators.
Full Throttle from the forum taught me to cold call, and its been one of the best learning experiences. I tweeked his script, and I had atleast 4 small biz owners per day tell me they appreciated my honesty when calling them. I never lied to them, or pulled tricks, just provoked curiosity.
Hi is X. in/available?
Hi X. this is N. giving you a call, and X. your not gonna recognize my name cause this is a cold call.
Can I tell you quickly why I called?
(provokes curiosity)
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Full Throttle from the forum taught me to cold call, and its been one of the best learning experiences. I tweeked his script, and I had atleast 4 small biz owners per day tell me they appreciated my honesty when calling them. I never lied to them, or pulled tricks, just provoked curiosity.
Hi is X. in/available?
Hi X. this is N. giving you a call, and X. your not gonna recognize my name cause this is a cold call.
Can I tell you quickly why I called?
(provokes curiosity)

Thats awesome! The key to what he taught you is to be honest. People respect that. "this is a cold call". Thats perfect. No wonder you're successful!

People are so caught up with just getting in... they forget that's only part of it.. if you get in with a lie.. then what... you have to keep lying your way through. Start with honesty and stick with it from beginning to end.

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