DSNP Client Attraction In SoCal


Hello all,

I run into two types of Medi-Medi individuals.

Those who want extra stuff because they are already going to a doctor and specialist list that accepts the DSNP.


Those who don't want the extra stuff because they think it is a scam and don't want to bother with it.

There is obviously a spectrum at play, but how do you convince Medi Medi's to consider the DSNP since they get so many extra benefits in SoCal ($500 every 3 months, $4,000 annual dental, unlimited transportation to name a few).

Has there been any strategies that you employed that turned the tide or helped these individuals realize that they can so much more?

By the way, before you say leave them alone, in 2027 they will be forced into a DSNP plan because Medi-Cal is already transferring individuals into a DSNP by force.

When I tell Medi Medis this, they either don't believe it, or they say okay I'll wait until they switch me or until 2027.

When I explain that the switch is very rapid when Medi-Cal does it, and if they have pending services, they will have to cancel them and wait for authorizations, they seem to be in denial about the whole situation.

What has been your experience with these individuals, and your thoughts on the coming changes?

Evidence: https://cahealthadvocates.org/upcoming-medi-cal-changes-in-2023/
I can't vouch for Medi-Cal/Medicare changes coming in 2026/27 as I haven't seen what's in store for 2025 yet. But if your concern is being attractive to D-SNP prospects, I might suggest trying a strong cologne. The stronger the better with those folks. Also, hum a few notes to Johnny Cash songs as you enter their home. Those D-SNP ladies do love them some Johnny Cash!
so on Medi Medi in cal they get a $500 food card every 3 months and $4 k dental ? What does the dsnp benefits pay . 2-3 yrs ago I’d very occasionally run into somebody who had Medi Medi that was scared to love to dsnp . Now that 95% if there neighbors have a food card I run into that objection 1 time a yr maybe . 3 years ago I’d run into 4-5 people duals a month that had nothing. Nowadays maybe 1 if I’m lucky and it’s usually a referral. As far as leads go I’d say 2 a yr that have an and b and Medicaid . Almost every dsnp lead that has nothing is because they don’t have part a as no work history
Hello all,

I run into two types of Medi-Medi individuals.

Those who want extra stuff because they are already going to a doctor and specialist list that accepts the DSNP.


Those who don't want the extra stuff because they think it is a scam and don't want to bother with it.

There is obviously a spectrum at play, but how do you convince Medi Medi's to consider the DSNP since they get so many extra benefits in SoCal ($500 every 3 months, $4,000 annual dental, unlimited transportation to name a few).

Has there been any strategies that you employed that turned the tide or helped these individuals realize that they can so much more?

By the way, before you say leave them alone, in 2027 they will be forced into a DSNP plan because Medi-Cal is already transferring individuals into a DSNP by force.

When I tell Medi Medis this, they either don't believe it, or they say okay I'll wait until they switch me or until 2027.

When I explain that the switch is very rapid when Medi-Cal does it, and if they have pending services, they will have to cancel them and wait for authorizations, they seem to be in denial about the whole situation.

What has been your experience with these individuals, and your thoughts on the coming changes?

Evidence: https://cahealthadvocates.org/upcoming-medi-cal-changes-in-2023/
When this change will happen, will they be auto-enrolled by the State or will agents get to do it AND get comped?
Are you saying that those freeloaders get ALL OF THAT and don’t even have to enroll into a DSNP?!!
If that is the case, i wouldn’t chase after them. I lived and worked in SoCal from about 1993-2004 (off and on). When I started brokering and had to pay for my own mileage expenses, the drive from Woodland Hills to Long Bch was no longer worth it when they would change so frequently. I was no match for an agent with big boobs and a smile.
They have been saying since FOREVER that the MM would need to join a DSNP. When they introduced Cal Medi-Connect, I was already moved back to Texas. You also must keep in mind that CMS wants to give those MMs the opportunity to switch MONTHLY.
Which areas do you concentrate on?
When this change will happen, will they be auto-enrolled by the State or will agents get to do it AND get comped?
Are you saying that those freeloaders get ALL OF THAT and don’t even have to enroll into a DSNP?!!
If that is the case, i wouldn’t chase after them. I lived and worked in SoCal from about 1993-2004 (off and on). When I started brokering and had to pay for my own mileage expenses, the drive from Woodland Hills to Long Bch was no longer worth it when they would change so frequently. I was no match for an agent with big boobs and a smile.
They have been saying since FOREVER that the MM would need to join a DSNP. When they introduced Cal Medi-Connect, I was already moved back to Texas. You also must keep in mind that CMS wants to give those MMs the opportunity to switch MONTHLY.
Which areas do you concentrate on?
In 3-5 yrs dsnps for agents are history . Everyone will be auto enrolled and dsnps will be run by the state and selected CO’s . No need for an agent
In 3-5 yrs dsnps for agents are history . Everyone will be auto enrolled and dsnps will be run by the state and selected CO’s . No need for an agent
I suspect you are probably right about that, Don. Humana has the contract for Illinois' Integrated D-SNP, and they don't allow agents/brokers to enroll eligible prospects into it. They also have the contract for Virginia's new Integrated D-SNP for 2025; no word yet on whether agents/brokers will be able to do enrollments for that.
Send them to me and I'll close them for you. These are low level clients so you gotta beg them. The smart ones already know about these plans and tell each other about the free stuff. So, just beg then get referrals. More than likely their friends and family members are already on Medical/Medicare. California probably has the worst DSNP plans maybe in the entire US.