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For The Technology Geeks. Mobile Software..

This is a question for the technologically savvy insurance agents out there. What type of mobile software or client tracking programs are you guys using on your pda's, blackberries, etc? I know about CRM's you can use on your regular desktop and laptop computers. Is there any mobile software that has helped you in client management or follow up? Any mobile sales tracking programs? I appreciate all feedback . Forgive me if this has been posted before I'm a newbie on the posting end.
Re: For The Technology Geeks

there is now a dedicated technology forum - you should post this there. it is fairly new.
Re: For The Technology Geeks

Most web CRM's can be used by your mobile phone if you have a new new phone. Iphone, new BB, droid.

leads360, agencyiq both work pretty well. Not sure about radius, I'd bet it works ok I've just never tried it.

Schedule all appointments with outlook and use the google calendar sync to make them pop up on my phone and my wifes phone calendars so she and I both know when I have appointments and where I'll be.