Help with Case! Americo FE product

Philly Fan

New Member
Im currently awaiting the arrival of a Milliman IntelliScript report. Americo Eagle Premier declined the client for Level coverage during e-app underwriting. She was approved for the GI product which we do not want. Once we have the report I'm suppose to call Americo and go through the report with the underwriter. We also may have to request Milliman remove any discrepancies on the report.

Has anyone ever got a case turned from Americo GI product to the Americo Level product? After talking with Americo is doesn't sound too promising. There are some Dual meds on her prescription history that I think could be the problem.

Also, I only wrote Americo FE because client had open heart about 14 months ago.

I appreciate your help on this!
Probably not.

Unless you call Americo underwriting team. Worst case they confirm that they absolutely can only do GI, best case they ask for physician records (and/or the intelliscript report as you mentioned) to get more info to make a final determination.

Always review the company’s underwriting guide or call underwriting BEFORE submitting the application especially if they have hospitalization/surgeries within the last 2 years
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