Introverted Salesperson

Most sales people I know are somewhere in the middle of a scale between extremely introvert (which would be shy) and extremely extrovert (which can dominate conversations) and are able to adjust their personality/behavior as appropriate. For the ones that are naturally on the more introverted side, they tend to use questions to get the other person talking and for extroverts they can use tactics to keep themselves quiet (such as taking notes). Of course it's not as simple as talking/not talking it's how you feel in groups of new people, how you act in public situations etc. that define intovert/extrovert - you could have somebody who is an extrovert when making calls but introverted if selling door-to-door.
I am encouraged by this thread. I am an introvert but I have been putting myself out there and doing things I wouldn't normally do and it's starting to pay off.