Limited Offer: 100 Free Cold Calling Leads


5000 Post Club
Hello forum viewers!

I recently launched Free Telemarketing Scripts For Everyone! and it is still a work in progress. I'm still working out format and adding content, but while I was working on it I thought I'd start trying to get traffic to the site and what better way to do that than offer something for free?

For the first 10 folks that fill out the request form on the site I will be sending out 100 free cold calling leads at absolutely no cost with no strings attached. If anyone wants them, just visit the site and look for the page titled "100 Free Telemarketing Leads". If the form is no longer showing then that means all of the free leads have been given away, but not to worry, once the site is more polished I will be doing another free lead giveaway.

I'm also looking for feedback on the site, so please send me a message if you have any thoughts, suggestions, or have a script you'd like some feedback on.

Happy Selling!
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The 100 free lead promotion is over, but a new offer of 50 leads for free is being given away indefinitely. Just visit the site and fill out the contact form to claim them.

Happy Selling!