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Medical Debt Credit Report

Folks who do not need access to credit don't care about their credit score.

A business of any kind, including health care, may decide to extend credit or not. Many businesses, including medical offices, have information on credit programs specifically for health related expenditures. Few businesses have the ability or desire to carry non-paying accounts on the books.

Non-paying accounts are usually sold to collection agencies. Some small debts are written off as a business loss.

Large metro hospitals often have finance offices and social services that may help current and former patients pay their bills. They will also turn outstanding debts over to collection agencies, and, like any other business, will write off uncollected debts.

Patients with outstanding debt may use bankruptcy as an option to discharge unpaid medical bills.

DSH hospitals receive payments from the federal government to offset unpaid bills from Medicaid and Medicare SSI patients.

Patients with outstanding debts may be refused service by a provider until the account is made current.
Folks who do not need access to credit don't care about their credit score.

A business of any kind, including health care, may decide to extend credit or not. Many businesses, including medical offices, have information on credit programs specifically for health related expenditures. Few businesses have the ability or desire to carry non-paying accounts on the books.

Non-paying accounts are usually sold to collection agencies. Some small debts are written off as a business loss.

Large metro hospitals often have finance offices and social services that may help current and former patients pay their bills. They will also turn outstanding debts over to collection agencies, and, like any other business, will write off uncollected debts.

Patients with outstanding debt may use bankruptcy as an option to discharge unpaid medical bills.

DSH hospitals receive payments from the federal government to offset unpaid bills from Medicaid and Medicare SSI patients.

Patients with outstanding debts may be refused service by a provider until the account is made current.

Just tell them their best option is to go downtown to Grady
I see that much of the issues are are related to ignorance and fear of asking the questions that can lead to people understanding payment options.

Most folks overwhelmed by heath issues become even more overwhelmed by financial issues. They are ignorant and fearful of what they cannot understand.

How often I encountered this in field.
Most folks overwhelmed by heath issues become even more overwhelmed by financial issues. They are ignorant and fearful of what they cannot understand.

I really know little about social welfare programs and such, and never felt a need to learn (or work) that market. That is not intended to sound condescending, but each of us cater to the market(s) where we feel most comfortable and will generate enough income to keep us happy.

A few of my clients continue to work past "normal" retirement age . . . some because they have to . . . others because they love what they do and want to stay busy.

However, all are on a "fixed income" . . . although some have a higher fixed level than others.

I do what I can to help folks manage their bills, especially the high cost of medication. Folks who are insulin dependent and using a pump need to know their insulin and diabetic supplies can be covered by Part B, which significantly reduces their OOP.

Another thing is folks who are facing potentially large medical bills and possibly a change in their doctors, "talking them down off the ledge" and assuring them that they will have unfettered access to care and their OOP for medical bills will be minimal.

I find it interesting that agents who brag so much about their income and squeal when commissions are short or late, seem to delight in telling clients it is OK to stiff their provider. Seems a bit convoluted.
Medical billing is notorious for billing incorrect amounts, or even the wrong people.

I just received a bill for an adult child who went to get a strep/covid test. They just ignored the fact that they turned 18 and they were legally liable for it, not me. (not saying im not helping with it, just the principal of the matter)

Not only did they send it to the wrong person, the bill itself was incorrect. She paid $100 at time of care, and the bill showed no payment was made. (I have the credit card statement)

I have a young client who has $8k in medical debt. Turns out $4k of it was for a family member she escorted in an ambulance when she was 16 years old. Paramedics told her she needed to "sign some paperwork for him"... turns out she was signing as a financial guarantor.

I explained that she needed to send a copy of her ID to the billing dept along with the bill and they would erase it. The first person told her "there is nothing we can do". So I told her to speak to a manager and tell them her lawyers will be sending a certified letter of demand if the debt is not erased... that worked.

The dont give 2 f*cks about what is right, morally or legally.
Another thing is folks who are facing potentially large medical bills and possibly a change in their doctors, "talking them down off the ledge" and assuring them that they will have unfettered access to care and their OOP for medical bills will be minimal.

Isn't it amazing how often regardless to financial status, you see folks who take large amounts of medication unable to deal with life in the day by day. How many times I have worked with over medicated seniors and others who have issues grasping simple concepts due to what I believe is an over medicated society.

It takes so little to reassure folks that there is help, and no one (albeit by choice) finds themselves in some gutter expiring because no one would help them.

Responsibility is an ability untaught far too often in your "hollowed" halls of learning. Can you imagine or even grasp this current crop of youngins when it comes their time to pay... :eek:... do you feel a hand in your pocket? :twitchy: