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Medicare C Foreign Networks??


No idea if this would work--it's not my market--I'm just a concerned Taxpayer sooooo... would seniors travel to other countries for care if it saved them$$$ and lowered taxes on todays and most importantly future taxpayers?? I travel a bit and constantly see Medical tourism offers and have noticed incentives from several modern western countries to do so. Repubs are constantly talking free markets, competition sooo.. It would get the attention of our Medical providers the worlds No 1 in cost and many times over treat us for their financial gain. Might this help lower costs for Medicare part C plans?? I clearly remember Repubs and some Dems promising us in the 1980s that Advantage plans would revolutionize Medicare and cut the cost in half-- btw--recently I found out not the case in fact Medicare C plans cost taxpayers 15% to 25% more(depending on the region) than regular Medicare!!!! I know ex-pats living abroad would love it would other seniors???????? No idea...........