On Profile Clients


Super Genius
Wayne Cotton speaks of narrowing your focus to a specific "on profile client." I'm new and 59 years old. if I wanted to stick close to my age of client, what might/should my on profile client look like? I'm new and comfortable with term and final expense at the moment. Should I assume that you want to move in the direction of offering other products this client profile would be interested in?
Wayne Cotton has a lot of great stuff and great ideas.

For me personally, I've always done better with older people than with people my own age. That's been true since my late 20's. (I'm 45 now.)

I look at my program, process, expertise, and the results I can generate... and I use that to determine who I should be working with.

Don't forget people's attitudes and beliefs are also important in determining an ideal client profile. Someone can match everything else, and if they don't have the same attitudes and beliefs I have... they won't be compatible, even if I can make them better off, they won't 'get it'.
Just read that you're currently doing term and final expense. The skillset there isn't the same at higher levels. It's not just selling a product. It's solving problems.

Before you leave your current market, invest in some training and skills to help those at the level you want to serve.

I like Lew and Jeremy Nason at Insurance Pro Shop. They can be very helpful.


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