Password managers?


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Is there any better then Roboform? I have used them for years and I love the format I have sections for different things and subcategories and it is easy to navigate and organize

However in recent years I have more and more problems with passwords constantly changing and it does not always update, especially when there is a website format changed

Now there are several sites i cannot even use RoboForm with

So I am wondering if there is any better?

Is last pass better? or another
I use the one built into Chrome and no complaints. It's faster and just as secure (if not more so) than other password managers I have used in the past.

My bank handles both personal and business . . . same login page but two different login credentials.

Also most of the carriers I use have one login for quoting and another for my agency. Same challenge for some password managers.

Chrome has no problem with multiple login ID's on the same login page.
We use LastPass and haven't had a problem

Their security history is spotty, though I know a lot of people who use it without any issues.

I've used 1Passwod for many years and am happy. Syncs all browsers on desktop and mobile. Also allows for family sharing so my wife and I can share things like bank passwords, but I can also keep other sites private (porn, Ashley Madison, etc.)
I utilize Dashlane... It is an excellent one ...One of the reasons I like it. I have many assistants and anytime a password is changed It syncs with the other users.
BitWarden is what I use after moving from LastPass, which I no longer trust after their 2022 security breaches. BW allows syncing between devices and sharing with family/colleagues—2 features that I absolutely require. Another requirement: I want something that I can access from anywhere, even from a computer/device that is not mine. And BW works well with multiple logins on the same website.

2 Factor Authentication is useful for the most sensitive accounts, but is certainly not necessary for all accounts (Yes: financial, PHI/PII, anything you don’t want your spouse to easily see; No: free subscriptions, etc.). Some password managers allow you to generate the 2FA code in their app, which is convenient, but not as secure as using a separate 2FA app like Google Authenticator, Authy, or 2FAS.

I’ve had some experience with 1Password and Dashlane, but was not impressed—neither made the cut for real consideration when I looked to switch from LastPass. YMMV

From my perspective, Excel spreadsheets, browser-dependent systems and OS-based systems have their place, but are too limited for my requirements.

In the long run, passkeys look promising and might make password managers obsolete, but I’m not yet on their bandwagon.