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Anybody use Lead Latchers

The problem for me is that I have no experience or idea as to how to properly setup an ad or a campain, which is why I was looking at some vendors for help.
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    Duane FreemanExpert
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    Everyone can just save their money, and do it themselves. I attached a DIY video with ad copies to use for Facebook for final expense leads. I have attached links to all the links you will need to set up. Enjoy because I guarantee, no one is giving this out for free.

    Click here to obtain the full step by step video... Come back to this thread to obtain the landing page you need to set everything up. You will need to set-up a Facebook Business Page and Facebook Ad Account which takes about 5 minutes to do. If you need assistance with that, I have attached separate videos to help with that.

    Click here if you need assistance setting up a Facebook Business Page.

    Click here if you need assistance setting up a Facebook Ad Account.

    You can see a demo copy of the landing here... https://aetnatristatesolutions.com/mainhomepage100 . If you test it out, please put test in the name so that I don't call you thinking you are a lead haha.

    Here is the download for the landing page. download your high converting funnel here…

    Here is the link to the FREE photo editing software Canva...

    Once you are all done... Watch this video to set up your tracking pixel so you can track your Facebook conversions. This video will make sense once you are at the end and your system is ready to launch.

    If you have any trouble with this last step, just shoot me a message.
    Here is the Facebook Ad Copy Below. Just change the location to your target area.

    Primary Text

    Big News North Carolina Residents!

    We are excited to announce a NEW senior final expense insurance program is now available! Seniors nationwide have already started this program that pays up to $50,000 to your loved ones.

    The program can cost less than $1 per day.

    Click BELOW to see if you qualify


So, after reading a lot I decided to run my own ad.

After a week running, I got over 600 views and 2 leads but no sales. Happy that I actually got people to click on it, now to work on learning to target my audience better and make a sale.

It was at $5 per day for 7 days, so I'm satisfied with this cheap experiment.
Everyone can just save their money, and do it themselves

Thanks for posting this, there should be 100 questions in reply to your post! Are you still getting leads? In the last week I've tried five different ads in Texas and so far with about 5000 impressions I have not got a single lead. My ads are all similar to what you just posted. I've put up a variety of images from ai old people sitting in the living room with some gif to government buildings, to funeral images. I used language similar to other ads being mass produced and such, with zero results. Something seems off! I've been doing organic for the last four years so I have a clue but either I'm doing something wrong or facebooks algorithm changes are as bad as googles.
I only did the one ad, with a result of two leads. I was waiting on marketing approval from my upline to continue.

Once I get everything approved I will try again. There's a lot I still don't understand but hopefully I can learn as I go.
I'm considering adding a lead generation system to my agency and someone recommended this company. It looks interesting, but I wanted to hear from someone that actually used them.
good evening, how is the outcome with lead latcher how does it work and are they producing leads on daily basis?
I'm considering adding a lead generation system to my agency and someone recommended this company. It looks interesting, but I wanted to hear from someone that actually used them.
hi there, what are some good recommendation that you have so far for lead gen?
Yeah...have robo from Paki call, and switch to John (AKA Mohammad from Pakistan), to switch to whatever you are. :) And still call me 50 times a day.....an insurance agent..to get your lead. I am taking it down.

You love us brokers to do recordingins, SOAs now 48 ahead and more. You WANT MORE RULES ON US!

No...I am going full throttle. Keep with those leads. Everything today is electronically doc'd.
Yeah...have robo from Paki call, and switch to John (AKA Mohammad from Pakistan), to switch to whatever you are. :) And still call me 50 times a day.....an insurance agent..to get your lead. I am taking it down.

You love us brokers to do recordingins, SOAs now 48 ahead and more. You WANT MORE RULES ON US!

No...I am going full throttle. Keep with those leads. Everything today is electronically doc'd.

Sorry, but I've no idea what you are trying to say