• Do you have any victories you'd like to share for the month of May? Help us celebrate others by posting here.


There is no such thing as a free lunch. Someone always pays... the issue is the more "free lunches" you give out, the more you have to recieve (or take) from others to PAY for those free lunches.

I often struggle how this is so lost on people. Amazed at how many "Well educated" idiots haven't a clue of how economics work.

Very unimpressed by education anymore... very well trained in bad ideas means you are highly educated in what doesn’t work. :skeptical:
A friend sent me a picture yesterday. Border Patrol guys processing a boat load of fence jumpers. One guy was handing out free smart phones after they did the paper work.

Who's paying for the free phones ... you and me.

free basic smart phones 150.00 .being able to track the mexican jumping human beans-priceless!