$1M+ Garage Keepers needed


I have a client that has a policy in place that includes $750K garage keepers primary coverage. They work on large, valuable trucks i.e. firetrucks, specialized trucks, etc. Just one of these trucks can have a replacement value as much as $1M. And, they can have up to 4 in their garage at any one time. Does anyone know of an excess market?

Thanks in advance!
Did you find a market?

Is the GL carrier unable to issue an Umbrella with the Garagekeepers included?
I specialize in auto repair and auto body shops in California. You probably won't get anywhere with any admitted markets, but it won't hurt to email Nationwide, Atlas, Liberty Mutual and try these guys too KBK Insurance Group.

More than likely you are going to need to go suplus. Goto a few different surplus carriers, Plaza, Topa and Caitlin are the first carriers that come to my mind.