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1st Day Using the MOJO Dialer. WOW!!!!


Holy Smokes! Today was the first day using the Mojo Dialer and it is out of this world. First a little background. I am a hardcore Cold Caller. I really don't mind being told no because I know there are a few golden nuggets (when people tell me Yes) in there every day. For the most part, I only call small biz because it takes forever for anyone to answer when calling residential. My baseline is 50 dials over the course of 45-50 minutes with a 10 minute break. I usually crank out 200 plus per day. The highest day ever was 300 dials. Also, my baseline contact rate is 10%...anything higher than that is just gravy, but history has shown that dialing during the day gives me a 10% contact rate. I consider a contact to be when I reach the decisionmaker. It doesn't matter if they say "don't ever call me again" or rush off the phone, a contact is only when I reach the decisionmaker which in my case is the owner of the company.

So, in 4 hours of dialing (50 dials per hour) or 200 dials, I typically reach 20 people. On average, 23 contacts get me an appointment. 30% of the held appointments become clients. Bottomline, a weeks worth of dialing yields 100 contacts, approximately 5 appointments, and roughly 1 client. I am in the financial services space so I am not selling a product, I am selling a service that is a combination of mutiple products. Each client has averaged a $200,000 portfolio so I am bringing in right at $800,000 per month in net new assets and my return on assets is right under 1.3%.

Back to today's results. I cranked up the dialer at 8 am which is my normal kick off time and started cranking. As a small caveat, when calling small biz, someone generally always answers the phone so I was initially concerned about the multiple line thing so i only used two lines. In the first hour (50 minutes actually), I made 115 dials, and spoke with 12 people! The numbers varied by fractions for the next two hours, but I ended a 3 hour session with 37 contacts and 339 dials. From those 37 contacts, I set two appointments (a little ahead of my average) and put one guy in the hopper who is really a warm lead for 3 months from now.

Are you kidding me? This is absolutely ridiculous! I just completed two days worth of work (what would have taken me 8 hours of manual dialing) in only 3 hours. I use Reference USA for business leads (FREE!) so my only cost is my time and the Mojo monthly fee so the upside is huge.

Here is the downside. I really don't like how the call disposition buttons are set up for my line of work. They can be customized, but I didn't spend a lot of time viewing the training video that shows you how to do it. We will see if this is a moot point after I take a look at the videos tonight to see if I can set them up the way I want.

Also, I am not a fan of how it counts a contact. For example, all of the call disposition buttons count someone as a contact with the exception of the No Message button. This is the button you click when an answering machine picks up and you make the determination to leave a message or just hang up. Again, for me, a contact is only when I speak to the decison maker...not when Sally Gatekeeper picks up the phone and tells me Bob BusinessOwner is on "another call" (Geez, how many times have you heard that one!

One day is only one day, but I am going to roll for 4 hours tomorrow and see what results I get. If today's results are any indication, I should crack the mythical mark or come pretty damn close to 50 contacts for the day. My goal is 200 contacts for the week which should put me over the Million per month Net New Asset goal I have set for the year. To be exact, I go from averaging 5 meetings to having right at 8.6 meetings. If my 30% close stays the same, we are talking about 2.5 clients per week or 10 a month versus my old rate of 4 clients per month. If my velocity of 1.3% holds true (no reason it shouldn't since most of what I do is managed money), we are talking a ridiculous bump in annuitized fees per year. Geez! It becomes even scarier if I put a couple of folks in A shares. Just insane numbers!!

Again, only one day worth of results, so none of this is statistically valid, but for a first day, I think this is pretty fantastic! :yes:
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Started an hour later than I intended today. Just completed my first call block. Dialed for 45 minutes and ended up with 121 dials and 17 contacts (based on my definition of reaching the actual decision maker). 1 appointment set. The guys is qualified although he is slightly beneath my minimum and my spidey sense tells me the appointment won't hold...but we will see. The downer was that I called one small biz and the owner died five years ago even though he is still listed as the owner. So goes "dialing for dollars".

Ten more minutes left on my break and then I am going to crank up the dialer again. BTW, I will never go back to manual dialing again!
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Usually via your local library.... I can log into my library online and then access reference usa for free. Limited download capabilities though.

As far as Mojo goes, if I read your post correctly, basically you used 2 lines, made twice as many calls, got twice as many leads. In short, it did exactly what it should be doing :) It's actually good to hear someone who dials by hand say that it works, in a practical, commonsense way. No grandious claims of dialing 400 leads an hour, or claims of talking for 50 minutes an hour, but a good practical 2 lines got me twice as much type of story.

That's right. Reference USA is free through your local library..and it is the same as InfoUSA. You can only download 25 records at a time to an excel spreadsheet, so you just have to keep clicking to download. Takes me about 20 or 30 minutes to download a 1000 records. But nothing beats free!

Mojo is the real deal. I still need to do a better job with the lead disposition buttons, but yesterday I was only able to do two 45 minute blocks. Still running two lines at once and ended up with 246 dials and 26 contacts. One appointment and two warm leads. Dialing by hand at my previous rate, that would have taken me 5 call blocks and my definition of a call block is 45 minutes per hour with a 15 minute break. Normal rate was 50 manual dials during this block.

I am going to try some residential Mojo this evening to see what 3 lines will do. It should be fun. I will update the stats later!
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Just finished another block...did 60 minutes instead of 45 minutes this time. One appointment, one hot lead, and one lukewarm lead. She sounded iffy (the lukewarm lead), but I am going to drop by her business and try and seal the deal. We will see.

125 dials and 14 contacts. I set the appointment on the first contact of the day. Don't you love it when that happens! :yes: Alright, breaks over. Getting ready to jump on the dialer again. Like we used to say before jumping out of the plane in the Army and engaging the enemy...GET SOME!!

BTW, someone sent me a PM. Unfortunately, it won't let me respond until I get to 20 posts. Sorry.
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Did you try residentials yet? I'd be interested to see what kind of results you can get out of that. Can you get those numbers of off reference usa for free as well? Answering machines eat up a huge amount of my time when calling residentials. What pops up on the person's caller id when using Mojo?
Holy Smokes! Today was the first day using the Mojo Dialer and it is out of this world. First a little background. I am a hardcore Cold Caller. I really don't mind being told no because I know there are a few golden nuggets (when people tell me Yes) in there every day. For the most part, I only call small biz because it takes forever for anyone to answer when calling residential. My baseline is 50 dials over the course of 45-50 minutes with a 10 minute break. I usually crank out 200 plus per day. The highest day ever was 300 dials. Also, my baseline contact rate is 10%...anything higher than that is just gravy, but history has shown that dialing during the day gives me a 10% contact rate. I consider a contact to be when I reach the decisionmaker. It doesn't matter if they say "don't ever call me again" or rush off the phone, a contact is only when I reach the decisionmaker which in my case is the owner of the company.

So, in 4 hours of dialing (50 dials per hour) or 200 dials, I typically reach 20 people. On average, 23 contacts get me an appointment. 30% of the held appointments become clients. Bottomline, a weeks worth of dialing yields 100 contacts, approximately 5 appointments, and roughly 1 client. I am in the financial services space so I am not selling a product, I am selling a service that is a combination of mutiple products. Each client has averaged a $200,000 portfolio so I am bringing in right at $800,000 per month in net new assets and my return on assets is right under 1.3%.

Back to today's results. I cranked up the dialer at 8 am which is my normal kick off time and started cranking. As a small caveat, when calling small biz, someone generally always answers the phone so I was initially concerned about the multiple line thing so i only used two lines. In the first hour (50 minutes actually), I made 115 dials, and spoke with 12 people! The numbers varied by fractions for the next two hours, but I ended a 3 hour session with 37 contacts and 339 dials. From those 37 contacts, I set two appointments (a little ahead of my average) and put one guy in the hopper who is really a warm lead for 3 months from now.

Are you kidding me? This is absolutely ridiculous! I just completed two days worth of work (what would have taken me 8 hours of manual dialing) in only 3 hours. I use Reference USA for business leads (FREE!) so my only cost is my time and the Mojo monthly fee so the upside is huge.

Here is the downside. I really don't like how the call disposition buttons are set up for my line of work. They can be customized, but I didn't spend a lot of time viewing the training video that shows you how to do it. We will see if this is a moot point after I take a look at the videos tonight to see if I can set them up the way I want.

Also, I am not a fan of how it counts a contact. For example, all of the call disposition buttons count someone as a contact with the exception of the No Message button. This is the button you click when an answering machine picks up and you make the determination to leave a message or just hang up. Again, for me, a contact is only when I speak to the decison maker...not when Sally Gatekeeper picks up the phone and tells me Bob BusinessOwner is on "another call" (Geez, how many times have you heard that one!

One day is only one day, but I am going to roll for 4 hours tomorrow and see what results I get. If today's results are any indication, I should crack the mythical mark or come pretty damn close to 50 contacts for the day. My goal is 200 contacts for the week which should put me over the Million per month Net New Asset goal I have set for the year. To be exact, I go from averaging 5 meetings to having right at 8.6 meetings. If my 30% close stays the same, we are talking about 2.5 clients per week or 10 a month versus my old rate of 4 clients per month. If my velocity of 1.3% holds true (no reason it shouldn't since most of what I do is managed money), we are talking a ridiculous bump in annuitized fees per year. Geez! It becomes even scarier if I put a couple of folks in A shares. Just insane numbers!!

Again, only one day worth of results, so none of this is statistically valid, but for a first day, I think this is pretty fantastic! :yes:
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Started an hour later than I intended today. Just completed my first call block. Dialed for 45 minutes and ended up with 121 dials and 17 contacts (based on my definition of reaching the actual decision maker). 1 appointment set. The guys is qualified although he is slightly beneath my minimum and my spidey sense tells me the appointment won't hold...but we will see. The downer was that I called one small biz and the owner died five years ago even though he is still listed as the owner. So goes "dialing for dollars".

Ten more minutes left on my break and then I am going to crank up the dialer again. BTW, I will never go back to manual dialing again!

i wish I had this when I was a stockbroker! Congrats man, seems like you got a good system working for you. I have been cold calling for 3 years now I never had a dialer. I have leadnet pro but its a broadcaster i have had success with it. SEcondly would you care to share what kind of script you are using ?

Also, if you use Ashares 24-32 months later you can convert to fee base, hopefully you will have a annuity deal here and there. If you are bringing in 500k a month you are cooking my man !!
I've used Mojo, it's pretty good but I've left the cold calling biz for SEO, in the long run its better if you are a direct marketer. Cold calling just doesn't work when you are trying to get them to do biz 1000 miles away
i wish I had this when I was a stockbroker! Congrats man, seems like you got a good system working for you. I have been cold calling for 3 years now I never had a dialer. I have leadnet pro but its a broadcaster i have had success with it. SEcondly would you care to share what kind of script you are using ?

Also, if you use Ashares 24-32 months later you can convert to fee base, hopefully you will have a annuity deal here and there. If you are bringing in 500k a month you are cooking my man !!

I will NEVER go back to dialing by hand. NEVER! I actually amaze myself at some of the numbers that I am able to put up with a dialer like MOJO. FWIW, I don't do a lot of A shares (rarely ever) because most of my business is of a higher dollar value and that type of customer is typically not going to eat the high front end charge that comes with an A Share. I would rather set up the roll up recurring revenue by fee basing my clients so that each year I am simply adding layer after layer of revenue because I do not plan on cold calling forever.

In terms of the script. I really don't believe there is any magical script out there. Numbers always trump any magic script. For example, I call on a seminar and I explain it, then ask them if they would be interested in attending and if I could send out an invitation via email. If I am calling on bonds, I explain the coupon, then ask them if they would have any interest in a 4-5% tax free yield . I mean geez, what retiree wouldn't want that type of yield. Bottom line, all I am trying to do on a cold call is to check for interest and to qualify. I am never trying to sell.

Cold calling is simple. It just isn't easy. Remember, the law of large numbers always works. People succumb and quit cold calling because they don't see immediate results, but stuffing the pipeline by picking up the 800lb phone always works if you never quit. The hard part is not quitting! ;)
Damn I like your attitude homie, most of these punks on this website dont understand this. We come from the same blood bro.

Bud Fox

I will NEVER go back to dialing by hand. NEVER! I actually amaze myself at some of the numbers that I am able to put up with a dialer like MOJO. FWIW, I don't do a lot of A shares (rarely ever) because most of my business is of a higher dollar value and that type of customer is typically not going to eat the high front end charge that comes with an A Share. I would rather set up the roll up recurring revenue by fee basing my clients so that each year I am simply adding layer after layer of revenue because I do not plan on cold calling forever.

In terms of the script. I really don't believe there is any magical script out there. Numbers always trump any magic script. For example, I call on a seminar and I explain it, then ask them if they would be interested in attending and if I could send out an invitation via email. If I am calling on bonds, I explain the coupon, then ask them if they would have any interest in a 4-5% tax free yield . I mean geez, what retiree wouldn't want that type of yield. Bottom line, all I am trying to do on a cold call is to check for interest and to qualify. I am never trying to sell.

Cold calling is simple. It just isn't easy. Remember, the law of large numbers always works. People succumb and quit cold calling because they don't see immediate results, but stuffing the pipeline by picking up the 800lb phone always works if you never quit. The hard part is not quitting! ;)