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A beautiful fantastic political thread. In fact, the best political thread ever!!!

A total failure for 50 years and all of a sudden gets 80 million votes at 2 o'clock in the morning?

The votes that *** up got were anti Trump votes.
lol I'm not the one that needs to check my blood pressure but you need a reality check.

Guess what? If the GOP in PA, as an example, would have allowed the mail in votes to be counted prioir to the polls closing on election day, Trump would have been behind in the count from the get go. The GOP pols here in PA knew that the mail in ballots were going to go 70%+ for Biden because Trump kept coming here telling folks mail in ballots were a fraud and if they voted by mail their vote wouldn't count etc.

Same thing will happen this time. Dems trust the vote by mail system and will vote by mail.

The MAGA cult will vote in person if they vote at all.

GOP will likely show an early lead that will be swamped once the mail in votes get counted.

You know how to fix it? Tell the GOP pols to let the mail in votes get counted as they arrive. It makes no sense to have the mail in ballots sit in mail carts for weeks and weeks and not get opened until AFTER the polls close.
GOP will likely show an early lead that will be swamped once the mail in votes get counted.
You're exactly right.

Three people are registered to vote at my house. Me and two demoncrats that I've never met. They've never been here much less lived here.

I get their mail from every demoncrat candidate that runs.

You're election was rigged with illegal mail in ballots. And this is the bitch that helped pull it off down here.agnNByw_460s.jpg
A total failure for 50 years and all of a sudden gets 80 million votes at 2 o'clock in the morning?

The votes that *** up got were anti Trump votes.

Go check your blood pressure.
Total failure for 50 years?

He was a US Senator and served two terms as the Vice President of the USA.

You have a strange way of defining "failure."