Acess to Acuity or Motorists


New Member
Hi all,

My agency, from Ohio, is looking for a way to get access to either Acuity or Motorist in order to write our gas station business. I have been told that they are very competitive in that market and will write all risks involved with a gas station comprehensively (store, canopies, underground tanks, pumps). Does anyone know of an E&S market that we can broker these leads out to? Preferably, we would like to get a sub-code to either Acuity or Motorist so that we can quote them ourselves and have some direct access to the company, however, an E&S market will suffice. Any advice or input would be greatly appreciated! Thanks to all that take the time to respond!
I have a meeting with Acuity next week. The rep did mention that Acuity could not be accessed indirectly. Not sure about motorists as they are not in my state for p&c yet.
You will need a direct appointment to write Acuity. Well worth it if you can get it. Great products, great company.

Good Luck
